
Text based RPG game with a story, shopping, NPC's, and fighting

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Run on Repl.it


A text based RPG game with a story, shopping, NPC's, crafting, fighting and a ever grouping map to explore!

Run on Repl.it

Find Me Here

If you are playing the game feel free to message me on discord about bugs or ideas or for any thing else!


We have more then enough people working on the project now. You may join the discord and be apart of are awesome community.


  • Python 3.7

About This Project

I have Lot's of plans for this game but it is a labor of love so I may get board at some point and quit, but that isn't the case as of yet. In the game you can choose to be a Mage, Warrior, Archer or an Assassin. There will be weapons specific to a playing class and also weapons that two or all classes can use. The player will be able to level up and sell/buy item from NPC. The map will be procedurally made so the seed will be able to share with friends so you may play the same map although it will not be Multiplayer. Multiplayer seems to be a bit far from my reach at the moment.


Team Members Active members:

Big Thanks!

To everyone that has helped on the project! I have learned a lot about OOP, this project was a great idea and a massive help in my coding journey.

Screen Shots

This is the Main Menu wordrpg_main_menu