
Command line tools to work with sequences of files: seqls, seqcp, seqsum

Primary LanguageHaskell



This project contains the command line tools 'seqls', 'seqsum', 'seqcp', which are similar to 'ls', 'cp', 'shasum' but for sequences of files.

Here is an example:

>>> ls /tmp/sequences
>>> background.0001.jpg
>>> background.0002.jpg
>>> background.0003.jpg
>>> background.0004.jpg

with seqls:

>>> seqls /tmp/sequences
>>> background.%04d.jpg  1  4

Those tools are used a lot in the vfx and post production industries, where the sequences of files are very common. They are available for download and don't require any dependencies.



List sequences of files in directories

    seqls [-RglmcsS] [-e exr,dpx,...] [-j 3] [-f nuke|rv|printf] [files ...] [directories ...]


Compute the hash value of all sequences of files in directories. It processes all the files with the SHA224 algorithm as if they were concatenated in a single block

    seqsum [-Rj] [files ...] [directories ...]


Copy a subset of a sequence of files in a destination directory.

    seqcp [-vc] /path/to/sequence.%05d.exr [first frame] [last frame] [target directory]



The binaries are available in the releases page. To install, just unzip, untar and copy the files in a executable path of your choice. If you need another platform, just email me or build the project from sources.

Building from sources

The code is written in Haskell and you will need to install 'stack' if you want to build your own version. (see: https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/). Once stack is installed, just retrieve the source code:

    git clone https://github.com/cpichard/filesequence

and run the following commands in the filesequence directory:

cd filesequence
stack build
stack install --local-bin-path BINARY_PATH

It will build and install the tools in BINARY_PATH.


List sequence in a directory with details

seqls -lg /path/to/directory

-rw-r--r--    93.09K   210.29K     7.95M         1       50  /path/to/directory/checker_board_distotest.%04d.png
-rw-r--r--    38.35K   133.74K     4.72M         1       50  /path/to/directory/checker_board_clean.%04d.png

There are 2 sequences in this folder. On the first sequence, the minimum size of a frame is 93.09K, the maximum 210.29K, the total size of the first sequence is 7.95M, the first frame is 1, last frame 50.

See also

There are many other project similar to this one,