
Neos Behat Testing Framework Add-ons

Primary LanguagePHP


This package contains some useful add-ons and bugfixes/workarounds for using Behat-Tests in Neos projects.

Installation and Setup


This package is currently not available via Packagist, configure the repo in composer.json:

	"repositories": [
			"type": "git",
			"url": "git@github.com:cron-eu/neos-behat.git"

Then use composer to install this package:

composer require cron/neos-behat:dev-master


Create the file Tests/Behavior/Features/Bootstram/FeatureContext.php with this content:


require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../../Application/CRON.Behat/Tests/Behat/FeatureContextBase.php');

class FeatureContext extends \CRON\Behat\FeatureContextBase {

  use NeosTrait;
  // use DumpContentTrait;

Available Traits

Several Add-Ons are available as FeatureContext Traits:

Trait Name Description
DumpContentTrait.php Use in a circleCI environment to dump the HTML content after each step. Will also make a screenshot after each step in case of SeleniumDriver.
NeosTrait Neos Related features, e.g to create pages and set properties etc.

Example Scenario

This scenario imports the site package and ensure that the Root-Page is reachable without throwing any exceptions.

File: Tests/Behavior/Features/Example.feature

Feature: Basic Features

  Background: Import Demo-Content
    Given I imported the site "MY.Package"

  @fixtures @remote
  Scenario: Call the Root-Page of the Site Package
    Given I go to "/"
    Then the response status code should be 200
    And I should not see "Exception"

Run the Example.feature

bin/behat -c Packages/Sites/My.Site/Tests/Behavior/behat.yml Packages/Sites/My.Site/Tests/Behavior/Features/Example.feature

Behat and Unit/Functional Tests with million12 Docker Setup

Install required dev dependencies

Install the dev packages (once)

composer update
cd Build/Behat && composer install
make docker-sync

Install the dev packages inside the dev-machine and restart (once):

SSH to the dev container and do the same there

compose update
cd Build/Behat && composer install
cd ~/Developer/Docker/dav-daz
git pull

Make sure that the ENV VAR T3APP_DO_INIT_TESTS is set to true in docker-compose.yml and then restart the web container:

docker-compose stop
docker-compose up -d

This will also re-create the Behat-Settings (Behat-Contexts and behat.yml in */Tests/Behavior/*)

Make sure that ./flow help is running ok (else, delete Configuration/PackageStates.php and try again)

Wait for the web container to be fully functional (php-fpm entered RUNNING state message in docker-compose logs web)

Run Tests

Tests are executed using the million12/php-testing:php56 Container. A Wrapper Shell-Script is provided for convenience (note: in the docker branch!)

cd ~/Developer/Docker/dav-daz

The Wrapper Script will also pass all shell arguments to the behat command, e.g. this will work:

(cwd is $SITE_ROOT/Tests/Behavior Directory)

./tests/behat.sh Features/EmptySite.feature

Common Issues

behat: No such file or directory

Make sure to have T3APP_DO_INIT_TESTS ENV var set to true in your docker-compose.yml and to restart the containers (see above). Else, inspect the logs from docker-compose logs web and check for error messages while initializing the Behat Settings.
