
Dash app for the ya16sdb reference database

Primary LanguagePython

NCBI Species Level 16s Reference Sequence Plots

Web Site: https://ya16sdb.labmed.uw.edu/ Github: https://github.com/crosenth/ya16sdb-dash

Authors: Noah Hoffman, Chris Rosenthal, Nik Krumm


Summary of features

Users can browse Bacteria and Archea species using the Genus and Species dropdown menus. Users can also search for sequences by seqname, species taxonomy id, or species taxonomy name using the search box or by url arguments. Users can modify scatter plot markers by color and shape and use the Selection and Visibility drop down menus to increase the size or visibility of the markers respectively. Both the Selection menu and plot selection tool will update the data table below the plot layout and Axes dropdown menus.

Ploty Dash

This application uses Plotly Dash and can be run at the command line:

python3 app.py

For more information about running a Plotly Dash app see their wiki: https://dash.plotly.com/


For additional development tips:
