- 0
Hide Rename/Move Actions for Hub Vaults
#406 opened by tobihagemann - 1
App shows forbidden but Hub vault is archived
#398 opened by SailReal - 1
Change texts to fit Hub 1.3.0
#397 opened by SailReal - 1
Biometric Auth option shown for Hub vaults
#396 opened by tobihagemann - 1
"Change Password" option shown for Hub vaults
#360 opened by overheadhunter - 5
pCloud login link broken in iOS app
#401 opened by xv47 - 1
Support for Baidu netdisk as a Backend.
#369 opened by yuyu1025 - 1
Need to re-add WebDav when certificate changes
#331 opened by traktuner - 4
iOS 18.2 - Google Drive Vault Error
#400 opened by Pseudonymity - 2
Possible BUG on IOS
#380 opened by kmenge0707 - 2
Cannot open symbolic link correctly.
#395 opened by snyhai - 3
Vault version 999 is unsupported
#356 opened by ejm554 - 9
Cannot unlock folder after iOS 18 upgrade
#377 opened by linwiz - 4
- 0
SMB connection problem
#394 opened by adicz - 5
- 0
iOS shortcut to clear cache
#393 opened by subbahenn - 4
No access to vaults on version 2.6.3 on iPadOS
#391 opened by Oehrli56 - 3
- 1
Can't use local encrypted volume with git and vs code
#388 opened by aanno - 0
Reauthentication Workflow for Unauthorized Error
#387 opened by tobihagemann - 1
- 2
- 0
- 2
- 0
Migrate GRDB 5 to GRDB 6
#376 opened by tobihagemann - 1
- 1
Unable to rename vault
#374 opened by th3boz - 2
- 1
- 1
Searching files content/title
#372 opened by Mikym0us - 0
Folder level access in IOS Files App
#371 opened by jreeder - 4
- 1
- 3
Content Unavailable error still exist with iCloud
#347 opened by kyaw-sint - 3
Synology Drive support
#337 opened by ajvenc - 0
- 0
- 3
Add Proton Drive support
#349 opened by traktuner - 1
Wrong Shortcuts Guide Link
#354 opened by yellowsnow3 - 0
Add Read-Only Mode in Vault Settings
#355 opened by tobihagemann - 26
- 5
Content Unavailable Error with (single) MS OneDrive Accounts and multiple Vaults
#345 opened by RceMBEdIxiCl - 1
Inhalt nicht verfügbar
#350 opened by florianzo - 1
sample text editor
#344 opened by wittwitt - 31
- 4
Cryptomator Folders Not Showing on iOS
#338 opened by skarvall - 3
Implement iOS File Provider API
#341 opened by andreagrandi - 2
Cryptomator iOS app is not working with pCloud
#330 opened by kyaw-sint - 2
File search in iOS Files app does not work
#328 opened by mhsurfer