
Primary LanguageCMakeOtherNOASSERTION

Bullet Syropod

Syropod Banner

This repository contains the configuration, model and launch files specific to the Bullet robot.

This is an operation setup readme for the Bullet Syropod platform - please do not modify. These instructions are top-level, please consult readme of each individual package for further help.

Bullet Syropod

Getting Started

If you haven't looked at the tutorials for using Syropod Highlevel Controller, see SHC Tutorials.


  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and ROS Melodic; or
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and ROS Noetic



Control Input

Instructions on the use of differing control inputs can be found at the individual repo links above.


mkdir -p openshc_ws/src
cd openshc_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/csiro-robotics/bullet_syropod.git
cd ..
catkin build


High-Level Control

To run the Bullet high-level control run the following launch file with optional arguments

roslaunch bullet_syropod bullet_highlevel.launch

Below are the default values for optional high-level arguments

  • Bullet Configuration: config:=bullet_insectoid (loads bullet_insectoid.yaml for SHC)
  • Gait Parameters: gait:=gait (loads gait.yaml for SHC)
  • Auto-Pose Parameters: auto_pose:=auto_pose (loads auto_pose.yaml for SHC)
  • Control input method: control:=joy ('rqt' to use rqt_reconfigure_control)
  • RVIZ Visualisation: rviz:=true
  • Gazebo Simulation: gazebo:=false
  • RQT Plot: plot:=false
  • RQT Reconfigure: reconfigure:=false
  • Auto-Logging: logging:=false

Example: To run Bullet Insectoid configuration in Gazebo but without rviz visualisation with parameter reconfiguration panel and rqt_plot run the following:

roslaunch bullet_syropod bullet_highlevel.launch config:=bullet_insectoid rviz:=false gazebo:=true reconfigure:=true plot:=true

Tuning of configuration parameters is done using the corresponding config yaml files. Consult syropod_highlevel_controller/config/readme.md for details.

Typical Usage

RVIZ Visualisation of Mammalian Config:

roslaunch bullet_syropod bullet_highlevel.launch config:=bullet_mammalian rviz:=true

Gazebo Simulation of Insectoid Config:

roslaunch bullet_syropod bullet_highlevel.launch config:=bullet_insectoid gazebo:=true

Tuning & Experimentation

Before tuning please make a copy of the desired parameter file (eg: bullet_insectoid) and make changes there.

In order to use the new parameter file launch 'bullet_highlevel' with the specific argument set to the new parameter file.

eg: roslaunch bullet_syropod bullet_highlevel config:=bullet_insectoid

Tuning of high-level parameters is done using the following parameter files.

  • Syropod Parameters - arg=config:
    • /config/bullet_*.yaml
  • Gait Cycle Parameters - arg=gait:
    • /config/gait.yaml
  • Auto Posing Cycle Parameters - arg=auto_pose:
    • /config/auto_pose.yaml

Consult syropod_highlevel_controller/config/readme.md for details.


  • Samith Ashan
  • Benjamin Tam


This project is licensed under the CSIRO Open Source Software Licence Agreement (variation of the BSD / MIT License) - see the LICENSE file for details.


Please report bugs using Issue Tracker or contact us via email shc-support@csiro.au.