Bedrock is TM1 Best Practice assets built from years of TM1 experience
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#423 opened by wimgielis - 0
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} Parallelization doesn't work if pEleDelim has more than 1 character
#421 opened by MBonotto - 0
- 0
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Leaves hierarchy in processes "}bedrock.hier.leaves.orphan.check", "}bedrock.hier.leaves.orphan.check"
#416 opened by wimgielis - 1
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} Element checks fail with multi hierarchy dimensions
#412 opened by onefloid - 2
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Prolog of cube.view.create is truncated
#403 opened by lotsaram - 0
} parallelisation doesn't produce cube name required for import
#401 opened by ivankulman - 2
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} - Transaction log left disabled when ProcessQuit is called
#383 opened by mmastrolonardo - 0
Bedrock.Dim.Sub.Delete - Blank dimension not changed to * when calling }bedrock.hier.sub.delete
#396 opened by Justin5555 - 0
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TI process for creating MDX view using pFilter as parameter - similar to }bedrock.cube.view.create
#358 opened by reddibhatini - 1
Sandbox and TI
#391 opened by jkp713 - 1
Planning Analytics version 12 and bedrock
#382 opened by janus-t - 3
}bedrock.chore.execution.check - inccorect determination of the day in the week
#381 opened by wimgielis - 1
} does not apply pDimDelim with more than 1 character correctly
#386 opened by tomasfelcman - 1
bedrock.hier.create.fromattribute process not working properly with default params
#379 opened by nicolasbisurgi - 1
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bedrock.hier.export & bedrock.hier.import should support localized attribute values
#369 opened by lotsaram - 1
Intermediate file not deleted when using parameter pFile=1 for } and }
#360 opened by mepema - 0
} - Thread files created by main process obsolete (?) & sleep parameter wrong
#361 opened by CWako - 0
Testing HierarchyExists( pDim, pHier) NOT HierarchyExists( pDim, sHier) in hier.import process
#362 opened by lotsaram - 0
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SubsetAliasSet vs HierarchySubsetAliasSet
#368 opened by gtonkin - 0
hier.createfromsubset errors when attempting to write to rule calculated attributes
#365 opened by lotsaram - 0
hier.createfromrollup omitts the rollup if passed as alias not principal name
#364 opened by lotsaram - 1
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hier.sub.create doesn't handle case where pConsol is given as alias not principal name
#354 opened by lotsaram - 0
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}bedrock.cube.dimension.add: Not allowing new dim to be added as last dimension in recreated target cube (and no error logging to explain why)
#351 opened by SFinestone256 - 0
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Close remaining Linux compatibility issues
#346 opened by lotsaram - 7
#345 opened by CJRothman - 0
} should be able to import data to object attribute cubes (}DimensionAttributes, }ProcessAttributes, etc)
#343 opened by pbuncik - 0
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- 3 epilog cutoff in .pro file
#337 opened by joebradbury - 0
hier.import process should handle Leaves hierarchy
#335 opened by lotsaram - 0
Error importing dimension with alternate hierarchies
#333 opened by lotsaram - 1
pUnwind=2 option for "do nothing" in hier.import
#332 opened by lotsaram - 0
hier.sub.publish errors if pLogOutput=1 due to undeclared variables inside Expand
#329 opened by lotsaram - 2
} - How to use pZeroFilter
#328 opened by macmaj