A jquery plugin which allows us to quickly check if an element is within the browsers visual viewport regardless of the window scroll position
- 14
- 0
Demo not working
#54 opened by Eddcapone - 0
How to run this plugin when ajax success?
#48 opened by notrealdev - 0
- 0
How to get hidden offset for the element
#51 opened by buttflattery - 1
- 1
iPhone / mobile safari - view port hight wrong
#25 opened by lpas - 4
request: Offset?
#32 opened by fynnit - 1
Visible on the specific part on the window
#46 opened by anonet1 - 3
Bump npm version?
#47 opened by patrik-csak - 3
New release needed.
#28 opened by austinpray - 0
Error with direction being already defined
#33 opened by softwarespot - 8
Meant to work with multiple matching elements?
#30 opened by kevinsmith - 4
Element is not detected as visible if its top and bottom extend outside the bounds of the view
#22 opened by VizualAbstract - 2
- 0
Minor inaccuracy
#14 opened by olleicua - 2
"visible()" returns "true" for an element outside visible viewport when its CSS "display" property is "none"
#21 opened by PanzerKunst - 8
If element is longer than viewport returns false.
#37 opened by dsovino - 1
jquery.visible vs jquery-visible
#44 opened by et - 12
List on npm?
#34 opened by TerribleDev - 1
Publish on npm registry
#45 opened by avdeev - 2
Add to Bower registry.
#36 opened by daverogers - 1
Non-JQuery version?
#24 opened by aliakhtar - 1
Minified version problem
#20 opened by ddziaduch - 2
[enhancement] Add missing bower.json.
#13 opened by timgluz - 1
Add onVisible callback
#17 opened by dangayle - 1
Troubles when using .hide() / .slideUp()
#10 opened by simplenotezy - 1
- 2
- 6
demo doesn't work
#3 opened by mstevens - 1
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