:pencil2: A React Component for plans design. Draw a 2D floorplan and navigate it in 3D mode.
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Draggable Square Room
#266 opened by asharali95 - 1
Import react-planner to another project
#231 opened by diptoprodipto - 1
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Updating app with functional components and hooks
#251 opened by Vikms95 - 6
Active alternatives to react-planner?
#240 opened by LeoPapais - 1
#260 opened by AndreiExtr - 0
Unable to click items in 3D mode when the planner is used as a module in a react app
#247 opened by AsifDaum - 1
Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): url.lastIndexOf is not a function, when the object uses LoadObjWithMaterial in load-obj.js
#246 opened by AsifDaum - 2
Room as item
#192 opened by vas4oo - 2
How to prevent superposition of objects
#228 opened by olehpatrushev - 1
How to draw or development polygon?
#170 opened by haiweiguo - 1
I want to docs about draw floor planner
#213 opened by doshidev99 - 1
Can I convert a svg/PNG design to react-planner 2D?
#224 opened by muntakim1 - 4
refresh will clean the state
#190 opened by GEEKTEDDY - 2
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Do you have any plan to support Redux 6 as well?(including the current start process without error)
#219 opened by Joeycho - 1
Question around room area calculation
#229 opened by ammanvedi - 0
Stretch and scale OBJ
#225 opened by wox76 - 0
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can't use GLTFLoader
#210 opened by hohaidang2000 - 4
Modules not found
#196 opened by StevenGoland - 0
hello ; how to add exporter gltf or glb
#200 opened by sagirr - 2
Adding length of a wall in properties
#211 opened by chinyart - 2
Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(ReactPlanner)"
#169 opened by JaccoGoris - 1
How to add a new page at the initiating process of React Planner?
#180 opened by muralitharanvellaisamy - 0
Unexplainable Error
#207 opened by rfarren01 - 5
What format is the output JSON file? Doesn't seem to be Three.js legacy json
#204 opened by ericvanular - 0
Programmatically add a catalog item to room ?
#203 opened by njenkins - 0
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Installation Problems
#195 opened by GazEdBro - 0
New elements
#198 opened by berams - 1
Drag and Drop multiple items?
#197 opened by cristianocca - 0
how to install on the web?
#193 opened by spikepower - 0
When i refresh react planner display empty page and show error : render2D not a function..
#191 opened by Laksmaprabhu - 2
Is it possible to implement solid lines?
#174 opened by alexlol76 - 0
Issues with Texture Flickering
#189 opened by redoo-networks - 1
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Enable Drag Option for Objects in 3D View
#184 opened by AnoopOoty - 5
Adding or Removing Catalog Items
#181 opened by muralitharanvellaisamy - 1
Zoom in and out
#179 opened by xiedapao - 0
category objective background images
#183 opened by vijithaRanamuka - 0
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glb support from threejs
#178 opened by qanuj - 3
Collada Exporter
#177 opened - 0
New react planner release
#176 opened - 4
Screenshot doesn't work
#175 opened by rorycor - 1
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Feature: Export to Mesh
#167 opened by JaccoGoris - 3
FaClose export missing in react-icons
#166 opened by JaccoGoris