
This repository handles the creation of nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid messages that mark areas with snow (or grass) and areas that have been plowed (or mowed).

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This repository handles the creation of nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid messages that mark areas with snow (or grass) and areas that have been plowed (or mowed).

To Do

  • DONE Use waitForTransform between frames instead of subscribing to odom.

  • DONE Make sure the last waypoints are inititialized when the mapper begins mapping.

  • DONE Fix the problem where the circle seems to shift to the right and the right side gets moved over to the left side.

  • DONE Sometimes the circle doesn't show up at the end of the rectangle. Are we making the circle at the beginning or the end of the path?

  • DONE Use the ROS parameter server to intialize variables in the class constructor.

  • Allow map to be initialized with two of the following: numCols/numRows, ppm, width/height (in meters). And, if all three are used, display a warning and use width/height and whichever resolution is greater.

  • DONE Allow the option to import an image file which indicates known a priori grass. Then also publish an occupancy grid that contains the known grass minus the mowed grass.

  • DONE Add map server.

  • DONE Add a service to reset the map and percentage complete, raise and lower the pen, and get the map (mowed, static grass, and remaining grass maps).

  • Should the map be initialized from the grass image (number of columns/rows)? Then the resolution (ppm or mpp) or height/width in meters are the only necessary parameters. However, given a really big image, this process might take a long time.

  • DONE Figure out why "paint drip" effect is happening.

  • DONE Allow user to specify image name from command line or launch file.