Adaptive UIBehaviour with auto-layout and flexible settings.
- No need to count or control cell size manually (in units) and ajust to parent size changes.
- Elements dont freeze like in LayoutGroup (it transforms not driven by object). Means it could be animated or used any other way.
- Rebuilds only in regular cases (OnTransformChildrenChanged, OnTransformChildrenChanged, OnCanvasHierarchyChanged, OnValidate).
- Easy to extend: just create class inherited from Preset and its enum-value for inspector (ArrangeLayout or ScaleMethod).
How to use
- Import package
- Add component AdaptiveGrid to any object
- Choose arrange mode:
- Fill. Auto layout - all content fits screen.
- Grid. Fixed layout - n*m cells fits screen. Set rows or columns number to 0 for screen overflow (scroll mode).
- Pack. Atlas mode. Pack childs with Image component via MaxRects algorithm.