
configure devcontainer to be used in codespaces

jsduenass opened this issue · 4 comments

We have a dockerfile and a devcontainer as tools that testing easier without the need of a raspbery pi:
I would like to configure the devcontainer to make it easy to use github codespaces.

Currently there is an issue where the code is being mounted on the /workspace folder instead of the root/catkin_ws/src/pai

I'll add here relevante resource and see if I can fix it

Here people are having the same issue and they offer a workaround.

if you created the codespace from a repository, the entire history of the repository is copied down with a full clone. If you created the codespace from a template, the full history of the template repository is not preserved; instead, unless you are using the blank template, you will start with an initial commit for the contents of the template repository.

@cychitivav a tutorial to setting up GUI applications with gh cli, ssh and X11

gh cs ssh -- -XY

closed by #52