Primary LanguageC++

About this repo

This repository contains ros node to filter the ground plane and cluster the non-ground points. It outputs the clusters in sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 format. To facilitate local planner, this ros node also reads gps odometry information in nav_msgs::Odometry format, and outputs 3D bounding boxes in vision_msgs::BoundingBox3DArray. The position in the odometry message must be in UTM coordinate.


apt-get update && apt-get install -y ros-noetic-vision-msgs

Fix errors

common_lib Compile errors

Errors     << common_lib:make /root/gagaga/logs/common_lib/build.make.000.log                                     
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/root/gagaga/src/common/libs/msgs/../include/common/msgs/autosense_msgs': No such file or directory

This is caused by the missing directories in src/common/libs/include/common. Create srvs and msgs folders under src/common/libs will solve the problem.

To avoid creating folders every git clone. First comment the related lines in .gitignore in the common/libs. Then, create two folders as above and put a .gitkeep in both of them. Do a git commit at this time, and finally restore the .gitignore.b

PCL Compile Errors

Because of the current pcl 1.10 requirs c++14 and above, we need to change all

## Compile as C++11, supported in ROS Kinetic and newer
<!-- add_compile_options(-std=c++11) -->


## Compile as C++11, supported in ROS Kinetic and newer

Problem also occurs when compiling /$CATKIN_WS/src/perception/libs/segmenters/src/don_segmenter.cpp, simply change the following code starting at line 105

for (; iter != clusters_indices.end(); ++iter) {
    PointICloudPtr cluster(new PointICloud);
    pcl::copyPointCloud<PointN, PointI>(*don_cloud_filtered, *iter,



    for (const pcl::PointIndices & indices : clusters_indices) {
        PointICloudPtr cluster(new PointICloud);

        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal> cloud_in = *don_cloud_filtered;
        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI> cloud_out = *cluster;

        // Allocate enough space and copy the basics
        cloud_out.points.resize (indices.indices.size ());
        cloud_out.header   = cloud_in.header;
        cloud_out.width    = std::uint32_t (indices.indices.size ());
        cloud_out.height   = 1;
        cloud_out.is_dense = cloud_in.is_dense;
        cloud_out.sensor_orientation_ = cloud_in.sensor_orientation_;
        cloud_out.sensor_origin_ = cloud_in.sensor_origin_;

        // Iterate over each point
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < indices.indices.size (); ++i) {
            pcl::copyPoint (cloud_in.points[indices.indices[i]], cloud_out.points[i]);


following the tutorial AutoLidarPerception/segmenters_lib#15.

For the kitti_ros package, more things need to be modified. In the forked repository, the grammar of print and exception has been adapted to python3. The package thread needed to be renamed to _thread. 'numpy' needs to be updated. Some sys.path.append need to be added for python to find the packages. The dot . needs to be added to as form .package import classname in the user-defined package 'utils' to avoid recursive import. Function name of kitti.get_oxts_packets_and_poses needs to be changed to kitti.load_oxts_packets_and_poses in 'kitti_player.py'.