
Tracking objects obtaining from segmentor and improve segmentation. https://github.com/LidarPerception/segmenters_lib

Primary LanguageC++


The LiDAR tracking library, for tracking objects obtaining from segmentation-based detection and improve segmentation.

How to use

  1. We name your ros workspace as CATKIN_WS and git clone as a ROS package.
    $ cd $(CATKIN_WS)
    # we recommand you to organize your workspace as following
    $ mkdir -p src/perception/libs
    # git clone basic common libraries
    $ cd $(CATKIN_WS)/src/
    $ git clone https://github.com/LidarPerception/common_lib.git common
    # git clone perception libraries, tracking_lib and its dependencies
    $ cd $(CATKIN_WS)/src/perception/libs
    $ git clone https://github.com/LidarPerception/roi_filters_lib.git roi_filters
    $ git clone https://github.com/LidarPerception/object_builders_lib.git object_builders
    $ git clone https://github.com/LidarPerception/segmenters_lib.git segmenters
    $ git clone https://github.com/LidarPerception/feature_extractors_lib.git feature_extractors
    $ git clone https://github.com/LidarPerception/tracking_lib.git tracking
    # build your ros workspace for our Tracking-help segmentation demo
    $ cd $(CATKIN_WS)
    $ catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  2. Run demo under KiTTI raw dataset using kitti_ros's replayer.
    • Terminal 1: KiTTI raw dataset replay, more tutorials.
      $ cd $(CATKIN_WS)
      $ source devel/setup.bash
      # change Mode for Keyboard Listening Device
      $ sudo chmod 777 /dev/input/event3
      # launch kitti_ros's kitti_player for frame-by-frame algorithm testing
      $ roslaunch kitti_ros kitti_player.launch kitti_data_path:=<path-to-your-downloaded-raw-dataset> fps:=1
    • Terminal 2: launch Tracking-help Segmentation demo.
      $ cd $(CATKIN_WS)
      $ source devel/setup.bash
      $ roslaunch tracking_lib demo.launch

detection.yaml and tracking.yaml configure the detection_node and tracking_node in sample. kitti/*.yaml configure the algorithm parameters for KiTTI Dataset, Segmenter.yaml and TrackingWorker.yaml separately for Seg-based Segmentation, Tracking.

├── detection.yaml
├── kitti
│   ├── Segmenter.yaml
│   └── TrackingWorker.yaml
└── tracking.yaml

TODO lists

Non-ground Segmenters

  • Tracking-help Segmentation. IV, 2012. A basic implementation in tracking_node
      title={Tracking and classification of arbitrary objects with bottom-up/top-down detection},
      author={Himmelsbach, Michael and Wuensche, H-J},
      booktitle={Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2012 IEEE},