Trajectory Processing

This is the program that extracts trajectories from raw videos

Camera Calibration

This is the first step to read the parameters for Camera Matrix and Distortion Coefficiency, etc.

  • Shoot a short video for a dashboard at different positions using a Static camera, and save it in the folder video
  • Unfold the dashboard vedio using, name the folder for saving the unfolded images accordingly
  • Compute Camera Matrix and Distortion Coefficiency using

Remove Distortions in Images

This is the second step to remove the Distortion of the recorded videos

  • Unfold the trajectory vedios using, name the folder for saving the unfolded photos accordingly
  • Remove the distortion using

Extracting Trajectories

This is the third step to extract the trajectories from the undistorted videos (images)

Transform pixel coordinate system to real-world coordinate system

This is the 4th step to convert pixel trajectories to real-world trajectories

  • Get four referencial points in both pixel coordinate and real-world coordinate systems respectively for affine transformation
  • Run

Trajectory Visualiztion

This is the last step to plot the trajectories

  • Run to visualize the extracted trajectories

Camera calibration