- 4
- 3
d3.medianIndex / d3.quantileIndex?
#140 opened by EE2dev - 2
#132 opened by mbostock - 13
Data wide/long reshape functions
#142 opened by mhkeller - 6
- 2
#138 opened by mbostock - 2
d3.index(iterable, …keys)?
#136 opened by mbostock - 2
d3.bin with date/time values
#134 opened by Fil - 3
Array.ticks returns ticks outside domain
#162 opened by dson - 1
Implement exact summation (fsum)?
#152 opened by Fil - 3
#90 opened by curran - 5
Contribute bin2d
#99 opened by pbettler - 1
IE script errors
#148 opened by jleider - 5
quickselect’s k is a misnomer.
#96 opened by mbostock - 3
d3.ticks crashes with very large counts
#146 opened by anbnyc - 1
group is missing with npm install
#141 opened by manju-reddys - 3
TypeScript type declaration file
#137 opened by geopic - 3
- 1
Can't access d3.count unless library is called.
#133 opened by charlieartist - 3 is not a function
#131 opened by jasli2 - 1
could you compile with babel and export to 'dist' ?
#130 opened by alex-mm - 4
new version error:unexpected: name count
#129 opened by Leannechn - 4
#102 opened by yurivish - 1
#118 opened by mbostock - 2
- 2
Median function inefficiently calls quantile method (instead of quantileSorted)?
#124 opened by jheer - 0
- 3
variance math is wrong
#122 opened by frankhhuo - 0
Welford’s algorithm
#119 opened by mbostock - 1
#113 opened by mbostock - 4
d3.quantile is difficult to use
#97 opened by Fil - 1
Release v2.2.0 lacks zip with builds
#117 opened by StefanBrand - 2
d3.merge(iterables[, accessor]) ?
#116 opened by xavierguihot - 2
Why is NPM package not in ES5?
#114 opened by cssagogo - 1
- 2
#103 opened by mbostock - 2
- 1
Rename d3.scan to d3.leastIndex; add d3.least.
#107 opened by mbostock - 3
Histogram documentation is (possibly) incorrect
#106 opened by scimas - 1
Include version 2 in d3
#100 opened by Niekes - 2
Rename d3.histogram to d3.bin.
#95 opened by mbostock - 0
- 3
- 2
bisect/quickselect : array or iterable?
#91 opened by Ledragon - 7
Transpile src?
#87 opened by vasturiano - 1
getting error on ie on src/cross.js
#89 opened by m1lky1223 - 1 not in default d3 bundle?
#88 opened by afdta - 1
Version 1.3.0 not showing up on npm.
#86 opened by gossi - 10
- 1