- 4
d3-shape package is missing deep export declations
#213 opened by gka - 3
Add pathMonth for Calendar View to D3
#170 opened by curran - 0
option for arc's curve precision
#211 opened by kayden1940 - 4
- 1
Curve Natural gets outside the svg
#208 opened by oliviercperrier - 4
startPadAngle and endPadAngle
#207 opened by cittadhammo - 1
Unexpected arcs when corner radius is nonzero
#199 opened by tkonopka - 4
#154 opened by Fil - 1
Configurable precision for generated path data
#204 opened by mbostock - 0
the BumpRadial curve only works with two-point lines
#191 opened by mbostock - 1
- 1
running tests with d3-shape
#203 opened by Ludo05 - 1
How to add pointer effect to the shape?
#202 opened by dotku - 2
- 1
trail marks?
#164 opened by Fil - 1
The types for Arc are incorrect
#198 opened by CruseCtrl - 2
How does Catmull Rom work with a Bézier curve?
#196 opened by pspeter3 - 0
Needs connection to me not fast enough!
#194 opened by wvboy31216 - 1
Arc - Inconsistent error notification when invoked via fluent function calls vs invoking with data
#173 opened by saumyatripathi - 8
- 1
The pie arguments problem
#186 opened by Benbinbin - 1
es5 to es6+ syntax?
#185 opened by douglaskariuki - 3
d3.stack for tidy data?
#158 opened by mbostock - 0
lineGenerator fail
#181 opened by Bill-Niz - 1
Possible typing issue or a missing example (How to write a custom accessor?)
#180 opened by GiridharKarnik - 2
Dynamic smoothing interpolation
#175 opened by DanTsk - 1
#152 opened by mbostock - 0
how to draw an arbitrary line
#171 opened by gromov-io - 2
#169 opened by Fil - 1
need help achieving this shape
#167 opened by zilahir - 1
undefined is not an object _d3Shape.default.line
#165 opened by being-yash-t - 0
#155 opened by mbostock - 0
d3.line(x, y) and d3.area(x, y0, y1)?
#159 opened by mbostock - 0
Support iterables.
#148 opened by mbostock - 2
Selected Rounding of Corners in Arc
#160 opened by dtrinh100 - 2
- 3
padAngle allows data that includes 0 angle to fill
#128 opened by dvnrsn - 1
- 0
#149 opened by mbostock - 2
math.js consistency
#131 opened by Fil - 1
What have you got against the Super Ellipse ?
#129 opened by Carelvd - 1
Error importing via unpkg
#132 opened by adorsk - 0
documents mistake
#136 opened by xswei - 2
Documation clarification
#144 opened by nathanhack - 2
Basic d3shape.arc() broken by recent patch
#143 opened by jeremybalog - 1
- 1
Coordinate precision controls?
#139 opened by veltman - 1
Area and Line not showing when there is a single value
#138 opened by nitely - 2
Dotted line for Pie
#127 opened by nzwnabdulwahid - 1
The app crashes when I add text in Pie chart. Does d3 provide any other element to render Text in Shape?
#125 opened by chetanzalake