This is a ZIL Implementation of Sail With Pirates game book (Time Machine) by Jim Gasperini.
For Mary Jane
RL 3, IL age 10 and up
A Bantam Book/August 1984
Special thanks to Ann Hodgman,
Anne Greenberg, Len Neufeld, Lucy Salvino,
Shirley Feldman, Paulene Bigornia, and
Ann Wheeler
Book design by Alex Jay
Cover painting by Dave Stevens
Cover design by Alex Jay
Mechanics by Studio J
Typesetting by Graphic/Data Services
"Time Machine" is a trademark of
Byron Preiss Visual Productions, Inc.
Associate Editor: Ann Weil
All rightss reserved.
Copyright (c) 1984 Bypron Preiss
Visual Publications, Inc.
ISBN 0-553-23808-6
- No in-game illustrations or graphics
- Select an action by pressing the number keys that correspond to the option (1 - 2).
- Press q or Q to quit or terminate the program
- Press a or A to view information about the contributors
- Press d or D to view Data Bank
- Press f or F to view Data File (hints)
- Press r or R to restore progress from a save file
- Press s or S to save current progress to a file
- Press h or H or ? lists the commands A/D/F/S/R/Q and what each does
Feel free to report bugs or any issues with this adaptation. Thanks!