
In-game debug console for Unity games.

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION


This plugin allows you to view debug messages in-game, in a build. In addition it also allows you to execute commands(using a Lua parser) and comes with a bult-in bug report tool.


Unity 5.6 or newer. If you decide to use the Lua command parser the platofrm you aim to publish on must be supported by MoonSharp.


  • Clone or download the repository to your computer.
  • The repository contains a Unity project. Open the project in Unity.
  • Export everything in the Assets folder as a .unitypackage file. If you don't want or don't need the Lua command parser uncheck the following folders in the export window: Console/Addons/LuaCommandParser and Plugins.
  • Import the .unitypackage file into your project.

Note: The Examples folder is optional and can be discarded when you export the Unity package.

How To

Add the console to your game

Simply drag & drop the prefab into your first scene and enable Dont Destroy On Load in the inspector. The prefab is located in Assets/Console/Resources/DebugConsole.

The debug console will automatically pick up calls to UnityEngine.Debug.Log so you don't need to write any code.

Open and close the console

To open and close the console press "~" on your keyboard. The key can be changed in the inspector(on the Toggle Debug Console On Key component).

To open and close the console from a script call DebugConsole.Open() and DebugConsole.Close().

If you want to temporarily lock the console(e.g. during a loading screen) call DebuConsole.Lock() and DebugConsole.Unlock(). While locked the console will not respond to user input.

Write custom commands

If you decided to keep the Lua command parser you can add new commands as follows:

  • Create a new C# class that inherits from LuaCommandModule.
  • For each command create a method that returns void and has any number of parameters of type: int, float, bool or string.
  • To display your custom commands when you type help in the console add the LuaCommand attribute to each command method.

Write a custom command parser

To use a custom command parser create a script that inherits from ICommandParser and assign an instance of it to DebugConsole.CommandParser. Attach the script to the debug console game-object.

Pause the game when the console opens

If you want to pause the game when the console opens create a script that inherits from IPauseHandler and assign an instance of it to DebugConsole.PauseHandler. Attach the script to the debug console game-object.

Additionally, you can use the built-in class GenericPauseHandler.

If you don't want to pause the game but want to disable player input, for example, subscribe to the DebugConsole.Opened and DebugConsole.Closed events.

Use the bug report tool

To use the bug report tool you'll need to implement you own custom feedback form that can upload the data to a private server. Web programming knowledge is required.

To create a custom feedback form create a script that inherits from IFeedbackForm and assign an instance of it to FeedbackUI.FeedbackForm. Attach the script to the debug console game-object.

An example feedback form is available that can send the data to Google Forms.


This software is released under the MIT license. You can find a copy of the license in the LICENSE file included in the repository.