$$ m \dot{v}_y =\left(u_1+u_2\right) \cos \theta-m g $$
$$ \dot{\theta} =\omega $$
$$ I \dot{\omega} =r\left(u_1-u_2\right)$$
where $x$ is the horizontal and $y$ the vertical positions of the quadrotor and $\theta$ is its orientation with respect to the horizontal plane. $v_x$ and $v_y$ are the linear velocities and $\omega$ is the angular velocity of the robot. $u_1$ and $u_2$ are the forces produced by the rotors (our control inputs). $m$ is the quadrotor mass, $I$ its moment of inertia (a scalar), $r$ is the distance from the center of the robot frame to the propellers and $g$ is the gravity constant. To denote the entire state, we will write $z = [x, v_x, y, v_y, \theta, \omega]^T$ - we will also write $u = [u_1, u_2]^T$.
The module quadrotor.py defines useful constants (mass, length, gravity, etc) and functions to simulate and animate the quadrotor as shown below.
For a more thorough and detailed explaination of the equations and derivations, refer to the report :
Jupyter notebooks
There are four simulations in total
Each Jupyter notebook is a simulation of the quadrotor performing a different task.
Drone_at_origin : LQR to stay in place
A simple LQR controller that ensures that the robot stays in place at a predefined position even when pushed around by random disturbances (e.g. due to the wind).
Circular_trajectory_drone: following a trajectory using linearized dynamics
A tracking controller (using an LQ design with linear approximations) to follow a circular trajectory under wind disturbances.
Drone_vertical : Drone reaching a vertical orientation
In this case, there is no prescribed trajectory but we would like to compute a locally optimal trajectory while we optimize the controller. We will use the iterative LQR algorithm to solve this problem.
Controller that makes the robot reach a vertical orientation $\theta = \frac{\pi}{2}$ at the location $x=3$ and $y=3$ at time $t=5$ starting from $z_0=0$. During the rest of the motion, the robot trys to stay close to the origin. It also trys to keep its control $u$ close to the control needed to keep the robot at rest.
Drone_flip : Drone doing a full flip
Controller that makes the robot do a full flip, trying to reach the upside-down state $x=1.5$, $y=3$ and $\theta = \pi$ at $t=5$ and upright state $x=3$, $y=0$ and $\theta = 2\pi$ at $T=10$.
Drone_controller_full: Combination of all the jupyter notebooks
This is a combination off all notebooks for ease of use