
Putting .svlint.toml at the root of repository disabled all rules

nxthuan512 opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, could you please look into this issue

  • If I put .svlint.toml at the root of repository, all rules listed inside .svlint.toml are disabled.
  • If I export SVLINT_CONFIG=/.svlint.toml (.svlint.toml is stored either in the root of repository or in different location), linter is working.

I am using the svls-v0.2.5-x86_64-lnx.zip binary at https://github.com/dalance/svls/releases/tag/v0.2.5 and Ubuntu 18.04.
Thank you,

Nothing around this has changed since SVLINT_CONFIG was introduced. I'm betting something in your environment is not what you expect.
I see this was opened in August. Did you have any progress since then?

I'm having a similar issue: having .svlint.toml disables all vscode highlighting for all syntax warnings.

I've tested this with .svlint.toml copied from some of the templates, and this is still the case. Deleting .svlint.toml enables all rules properly, and also enables warnings in vscode again, but adding .svlint.toml anywhere seems to break this. Manually running svlint still works, using the right syntax rules though. I've tried unsetting SVLINT_CONFIG as well, as well as reinstalling svls, svlint, and svls-vscode multiple times to no avail.

Absolutely no idea what is causing this bug, as everything was working when I initially installed svls and it suddenly broke and I haven't been able to fix it since.

Can confirm this issue when using cargo install to download svls. The file is found correctly, but for some reason this disables all linting.

It is working when I build manually even with cargo build --release. I also tried cargo install --locked and it still doesn't work.

I'll try to investigate this weekend

@UnsignedByte @dkasabovn Let's try to narrow this down.

  1. Which OS are you running? (e.g. Linux, MacOS, or Windows)
  2. Which editor are you using, and which LSP client? (Vim with vim-lsp, or VSCode with builtin LSP client)
  3. Do you have other LSP servers running, perhaps for things like go-to-definition?
  4. How have you installed svls and/or svlint? (e.g. with a released ZIP, via cargo, or another method)
  5. Have you checked that your OS is finding the expected svls executable with the PATH environment variable? Is the output of command -v svls and echo "$PATH" what you expect (and what is it)?
  6. Which version of svls and svlint are you using? (Use svls --version and svlint --version.)
  7. Where are you running your editor from? (Use pwd before starting the editor.)
  8. Can you share a minimal working example repo?

For any arch users: I found that the AUR package was outdated with version 0.2.9. Upgrading to 0.2.11 fixed this issue for me.