svls not show svlint message
leehc257 opened this issue · 0 comments
leehc257 commented
i try to use this tool in neovim + coc.vim (by iterm2)
i installed svls and svlint
$ svls --version
svls 0.2.8
$ svlint --version
svlint 0.7.2
and i write coc-settings.json like this:
"languageserver": {
"svls": {
"command": "svls",
"filetypes": ["systemverilog"]
and i write ~/.svls.toml & ./svlint.toml like this :
$cat ~/.svls.toml
include_paths = ["./*"]
defines = ["DEBUG", "VAR=1"]
linter = true
$cat ~/.svlint.toml
exclude_paths = []
case_default = true
enum_with_type = false
for_with_begin = true
function_same_as_system_function = true
function_with_automatic = true
generate_for_with_label = false
generate_if_with_label = false
generate_keyword_forbidden = true
generate_keyword_required = false
genvar_declaration_in_loop = false
genvar_declaration_out_loop = false
if_with_begin = true
inout_with_tri = false
input_with_var = false
interface_port_with_modport = false
legacy_always = false
level_sensitive_always = true
loop_variable_declaration = false
non_ansi_module = true
output_with_var = false
parameter_in_package = false
priority_keyword = false
tab_character = false
unique0_keyword = false
unique_keyword = false
wire_reg = false
generate_keyword = false
tab_charactor = false
genvar_declaration = false
when i edit a systemverilog file, it just show 'parse error (svls)'
i want to show svlint message
is there something i'm missing?
syntax error show only 'parse error(svls)'?