
code style/formatting enforcement using clang-format

Primary LanguageC++


The intention here is to get source code formatting automatically checked and guaranteed before checkin.


  • Automate style-guide compliance to avoid squabbles
  • Post-checkin reformatting binges mess up history. It’s best to get it right from the get-go.


See the tools:

  • tools/check-formatting --staged for fast style-checking of changed files, in a git commit/push hook;
  • tools/check-formatting --all for slower style-checking of everything
  • tools/format-all to format everything

To enable the checking as a pre-commit hook, place the following in .git/hooks/pre-commit (and make that file executable):

./tools/check-formatting --staged


  • We should not reformat bundled third-party code as it will make it difficult to diff with upstream. Put such code in a subdirectory with its own .clangformat file containing: “BasedOnStyle: None” to disable formatting.
  • If clang-format mangles something (for example, a comment block with ASCII art or significant whitespace), you can protect a block using // clang-format off and then // clang-format on.

What are these binaries?

The `clang-format` binaries that are checked in are static builds of clang-format v3.9 from https://github.com/angular/clang-format. They are bundled because the LLVM toolchain has a reputation for rapid change and incompatibility. We want to guarantee that devs are using the same version as CI is.