- 1
- 0
Fundle and Tide prompt
#65 opened by JonathonRP - 0
Packages with symbolic link
#63 opened by REIS0 - 7
Global installation
#50 opened by BarbzYHOOL - 1
- 1
Installing with curl doesn't work anymore
#60 opened by BarbzYHOOL - 1
--path not handled
#56 opened by Arelav - 1
fish_greeting in themes override custom changes, due to the order fundle loads themes
#33 opened by simonszu - 0
- 1
- 1
[Suggestion] Local plugin - avoid update
#40 opened by BarbzYHOOL - 6
Update single plugin
#51 opened by hunter-richardson - 0
Installing in a docker
#49 opened by edouard-lopez - 1
- 4
- 1
Rerun nightly tests?
#44 opened by faho - 3
- 4
Could not update plugin
#41 opened by BarbzYHOOL - 5
Compatibility with fish 2.0.0
#25 opened by enricobacis - 4
- 2
- 0
- 2
- 7
Plugins using don't work
#8 opened by tcoenraad - 3
- 2
Warning about '' being invalid integer in test
#32 opened by zimme - 1
Compatibility with fisherman/z
#29 opened by christianrondeau - 9
Unknown option "name_path"
#16 opened by iampeterbanjo - 5
It's great, but I wanna know how to uninstall it.
#26 opened by pwwang - 10
Cannot `fundle update`
#24 opened by hauleth - 9
- 5
Clean command
#19 opened by enricobacis - 1
Change verbs to match the ones of Vundle
#17 opened by enricobacis - 5
Use fishtape for tests?
#5 opened - 12
- 0
Join us on slack one day?
#14 opened by bpinto - 5
Runtime path
#11 opened by Perlence - 0
Allow to limit loaded features
#12 opened by danhper - 2
Profiler is not working
#9 opened by tcoenraad - 6
failed on Mac OS?
#4 opened by rainchen - 1