
Factorize-Recover for Perturb-seq analysis (FR-Perturb)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Factorize-Recover for Perturb-seq analysis (FR-Perturb)

FR-Perturb is a command-line tool for estimating effect sizes on gene expression from Perturb-seq data, based on the factorize-recover algorithm from Sharan et al. 2019 ICML. The code is still in preliminary form and will be updated in the future. The method is written in both R (used to run the analysis in the paper) and Python. We recommend using the Python version because it is much faster, though the output may be slightly different than the R version due to the use of different packages to perform inference.

To use, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/douglasyao/FR-Perturb.git
cd FR-Perturb

Next, activate the conda environment:

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate FR-Perturb

FR-Perturb is now ready to use. For comments/questions/issues with running the code, please contact douglasyao@g.harvard.edu.


The following command should be used to estimate effect sizes:

./run_FR_Perturb.py --input-h5ad [INPUT_H5AD] --input-perturbation-matrix [INPUT_PERTURBATION_MATRIX] --control-perturbation-name [CONTROL_PERTURBATION_NAME] --covariates [COVARIATES] --compute-pval --fit-zero-pval --multithreaded --out [OUT]

Required input

1. --input-h5ad [INPUT_H5AD] specifies an h5ad file (from the AnnData package) containing raw gene expression counts for all cells. Sample-level covariates should be found in the obs variable (see here for info on AnnData objects).

2. --input-perturbation-matrix [INPUT_PERTURBATION_MATRIX] specifies a whitespace-delimited file containing a table with columns corresponding to cells and rows corresponding to perturbations. Cells containing a given perturbation should be indicated with a "1", otherwise "0". The column names should match the cell names in the h5ad file i.e. the row names of the obs variable (otherwise the method will throw an error). The row names should correspond to the perturbation names. An example is shown below:

PERT_1  1 0 0 
PERT_2  0 1 0
PERT_3  0 0 1

3. --control-perturbation-name [CONTROL_PERTURBATION_NAME] specifies the perturbation name corresponding to a control guide. The name must be present in the row names of the input perturbation matrix. If multiple rows correspond to control guides, then their names can be provided as a list separated by commas, e.g. ctrl_pert1,ctrl_pert2,ctrl_pert3.

4. --out [OUT] specifies the output file prefix, including the directory. The output name will be the prefix with _LFCs.txt appended to it.

Optional input

5. --covariates [COVARIATES] specifies a comma-separated list of covariate names to regress out of the expression matrix, e.g. cov_1,cov_2,cov_3. These names must be present in the column names of the obs variable in the h5ad file.

6. --compute-pval specifies whether or not to compute p-values for all effect sizes by permutation testing.

7. --fit-zero-pval specifies whether or not to fit a skew-normal distribution the null distribution of effect sizes with p=0 from permutation testing. We recommend setting this flag as it allows for p-values below 1/num_perms, though it substantially increases compute time.

8. --multithreaded specifies whether or not use multithreading when fitting skew-normal distributions (can substantially reduce compute time).

9. --num-perms [NUM_PERMS] specifies the number of permutations to perform for permutation testing (default 10,000; 500 if --fit-zero-pval is set).

10. --rank [RANK] specifies a hyperparameter determining the rank of the matrix during the factorize step (default 20).

11. --lambda1 [LAMBDA1] specifies a hyperparameter determining the sparsity of the left factor matrix during the factorize step; higher numbers = more sparse. Default 0.1.

12. --lambda2 [LAMBDA2] specifies a hyperparameter determining the sparsity of the effect sizes on latent factors during the recovery step; higher numbers = more sparse. Default 10.

13. --guide-pooled specifies whether to run the version of FR-Perturb that assumes data is generated from guide pooling.

14. --cell-pooled specifies whether to run the version of FR-Perturb that assumes data is generated from cell pooling.


FR-Perturb will output a whitespace-delimited text file containing the log-fold changes of expression relative to expression in cells containing control guides, with rows corresponding to genes and columns corresponding to perturbations. If --compute-pval is set, the FR-Perturb will also output a file containing p-values (with the same rows and columns as the effect size file) and a file containing q-values (computed using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure). An example is shown below:

GENE_1  0.39 -0.9 2.1 
GENE_2  0.32 -0.82 3.1
GENE_3  -0.61 0.24 1.2