Code repository for the manuscript: 'Assessing performance in prediction models with survival outcomes: practical guidance for Cox proportional hazards models' (published in Annals of Internal Medicine)
- AndresVorkCenter of IT Impact Studies, University of Tartu
- anniedifrank
- artlesshao
- damienjacobs
- FelipeRojasRSanquin - Nederlandse organisatie van bloedbanken
- HaibinLi0817
- huc-lab
- jiachangliu
- josephbkt
- juliusge
- kellylinyingxin
- MiaOuyangChongqing Jiaotong University
- minghao2016
- murphyjfe
- mwheymans
- oliviergimenezCNRS
- Owain-S
- pinkslipnnn
- RadEdje
- robinblytheSingapore
- rstrotheChristchurch, New Zealand
- RWParsonsBrisbane, AU
- sergiouribeRiga Stradins University
- twobunnyrabbit
- wbaker0621University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy
- xiaomeng-wangParis
- xinwangxinwangMaastricht University