
A polyfill for FlowDirection aware Margin

Primary LanguageC#


A simple polyfill for FlowDirection aware Margin on Xamarin.Forms 3.1

Currently, Xamarin Forms 3.1 has an inconsistent support for FlowDirection in Thickness typed properties; While Padding respects the element's FlowDirection, Margin does not. (see Issue 3066)

How to use

To use the FlowDirection aware Margin, just add BiDi.cs to your project and replace all Margin to BiDi.Margin in XAML. All the magic happens in BiDi.cs.

For example:

<ContentView BackgroundColor="Red">
    <ContentView Margin="50,10,100,10" BackgroundColor="White">

Should become:

<ContentView BackgroundColor="Red">
    <ContentView local:BiDi.Margin="50,10,100,10" BackgroundColor="White">


When the issue will be resolved just switch back to the regular Margin.