
Think of Carla but much lighter and simpler or the Car Racing gym but more serious

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Map of Knuffingen in Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg


Think of Carla but much lighter and simpler or the Car Racing gym but more serious.

Assuming you already have a working perception system, you can use this gym environment to train path planning, control and decision-making algorithms. Examples use detected lane lines, such as road edges, dashed, solid and waiting lines.

It lets you customize the car, to fit your real-world counterpart, and design custom tracks with our Mapbuilder. The observation space is a customizable camera image and the action space includes steering, throttle and a discrete maneuver (straight, left, right, u-turn).

Feel free to make any suggestions for additional features or changes.


Camera simulation

The laneline points from the map are projected onto the camera image, simulating the perception system.

Knuffingen Formula Student
Knuffingen Formula Student

You can also modify the camera parameters to simulate your real-world setup.

  position: [0,0,0.03]  # [x,y,z] in meters relative to middle of front axle
  orientation: [20,0,0] # [pitch,roll,yaw] in degrees)
  resolution: [480,640] # [height, width] in px
  fov: 90               # in degrees
  max_range: 0.5        # render distance in meters (can be None for infinite range)
  line_thickness: 2     # rendered line thickness in px

Lanepath Tracking

Some scenarios want complete freedom for the car. Others might need more info about current state, such as cross-track error, heading error, etc. For this, the lanepath is used. Depending on the given maneuver the car will track the lanepath differently. The lanepath is set with the Mapbuilder in the same way as the lanelines, only that direction matters.

The stanley controller example shows how this info can be leveraged.

Reward shaping

Using wrappers, you can modify the reward function to fit your needs.

import gymnasium as gym
import tinycarlo
from tinycarlo.wrappers import CTESparseRewardWrapper

env = gym.make("tinycarlo-v2", config=config, render_mode="human")
env = CTESparseRewardWrapper(env, 0.01)

You can also stack multiple wrappers.



To keep it simple and lightweight no physics engine is used (yet). Only the kinematics, not the dynamics, are simulated. This means that the car can't overstear or understeer. It also has no slip. You can literray go as fast as you want around a corner. This will be changed in the future.


Only camera is simulated. Other sensors like lidar, radar, ultrasonic, etc. are not simulated (yet). There is also no support for 3D object detection even though it is not much code needed to add this feature. The camera already does a proper projection of 3D points onto the 2D image with clipping and Z-Buffering. For the lanelines, z is simply set to 0.


The current recommended way to install tinycarlo is from source.

From source

git clone https://github.com/danielriege/tinycarlo
cd tinycarlo
python3 -m pip3 install -e .


In order to properly create the environment, you need to provide a configuration file. Look at the example for a detailed explanation of the parameters.

The observation space is defined by the camera resolution and the observation_space_format in sim config. For the "rgb" format the observation space is HxWx3 and for the "classes" format it is CxHxW with each channel being a binary mask.

The action space is dictionary with "car_control" and "maneuver". car_control is a tuple of steering and throttle, both in [-1, 1] range. maneuver is a discrete action space with 4 actions: straight, right, u-turn, left. Depending on the maneuver, the car tracking of lanepath is adjusted. For a u-turn a not connected path segment is selected, based on the new direction of travel.

info is a dictionary with additional information about the car state, such as the current position, cross-track and heading error and distances to nearest laneline segments. All except the position are dependent on the lanepath set with the mapbuilder.

Quick example with yaml

import gymnasium as gym
import tinycarlo

config_path = "path/to/your/config.yaml"
env = gym.make("tinycarlo-v2", config=config_path, render_mode="human")

observation, info = env.reset()

while True:
    action = env.action_space.sample()
    observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
    if terminated or truncated:
        observation, info = env.reset()


Quick example with dict

import gymnasium as gym
import tinycarlo

config = {
    "sim": {
        "fps": 30,
    "camera": {
        "position": [0, 0, 0.03],  # [x,y,z] in m relative to middle of front axle
        "orientation": [20, 0, 0], # [pitch,roll,yaw] in degrees
        "resolution": [480, 640],  # [height, width] in pixels
env = gym.make("tinycarlo-v2", config=config, render_mode="human")

Running tests

The test coverage is not yet complete.

python3 -m pip install -e .[testing] # install extra deps for testing
python3 test/test_layer.py           # just the layer tests
python3 -m pytest                    # whole test suite