
InAppStory sdk for android

Primary LanguageJava


A library for embedding stories into an application with customization.


The minimum SDK version is 19 (Android 4.4).

The library is intended for Phone and Tablet projects (not intended for Android TV or Android Wear applications).

Adding to the project

Add jitpack maven repo to the root build.gradle in the repositories section :

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

In the project build.gradle (app level) in the dependencies section add:

implementation 'com.github.inappstory:android-sdk:1.5.5'

Also for correct work in dependencies you need to add:

implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.2.1'
implementation 'androidx.webkit:webkit:1.4.0'

Additional restrictions

If your project uses proguard obfuscation, then in the proguard-rules.pro file you need to write this:

-keepattributes *Annotation*

-keepclassmembers class * {
    @com.inappstory.sdk.eventbus.CsSubscribe <methods>;

-keep enum com.inappstory.sdk.eventbus.CsThreadMode { *; }

-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
    public *;

-keep public class com.inappstory.sdk.** {


From 1.3.x to 1.4.x

targetSdkVersion in SDK gradle file was updated from 29 to 30. It may be necessary to update targetSdkVersion in your project gradle file.

InAppStoryManager and StoriesList callbacks were added (you can use them instead of CsEventBus). For more information read here.

InAppStoryManager.closeStoryReader() method was added to SDK. We recommend to use it instead of CsEventBus.getDefault().post(new CloseStoryReaderEvent(CloseStory.CUSTOM))

From 1.4.x to 1.5.x

CloseStoryReaderEvent was removed from SDK. Use static method InAppStoryManager.closeStoryReader() instead

Initialization in the project

For further work in the file res/values/constants.xml you need to add the string:

<string name="csApiKey">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>

To initialize the library in the Application, Activity, View class (or any other with access to the Context object), the InAppStoryManager.Builder() class is used. The class contains the following parameters (and setters of the same name):

Variable Type Required Default Description
context Context yes Application context
userId String no Unique text user identifier (id, login, etc ...) that refers to stories
apiKey String no By default, the key is set in the csApiKey string. You can change it on runtime, using this parameter. Non-empty csApiKey in res/values/constants.xml still needed
testKey String no Test integration key for testing stories on the device
cacheSize Integer no 0 Defines amount of space which SDK can use for caching files (CacheSize.SMALL = 15mb; CacheSize.MEDIUM = 110mb; CacheSize.LARGE = 210mb;)
tags ArrayList no Tags for targeting stories
placeholders Map<String, String> no Placeholders for replacing special variables in the story content

Attention! If you pass testKey, then the library will display the stories only in the "Moderation" status

An example of initializing an InAppStoryManager:

new InAppStoryManager.Builder()

Add the following code to the layout where you need to display stories list:


The cs_listIsFavorite attribute is responsible for whether we add a regular list or a list of favorites (true - favorites, false - full list).

Or add via code:

StoriesList storiesList = new StoriesList(context);

To load list items from the storiesList object after initializing InAppStoryManager, call the loadStories() method. The method can also be used to reload the list.

Also, the InAppStoryManager class contains a static method destroy for cleaning up:


Also InAppStoryManager contains methods:

Method Description
setTags(ArrayList<String> tags) Set tags list
addTags(ArrayList<String> tags) Add tags to the tags list
removeTags(ArrayList<String> tags) Remove tags from the tags list
setPlaceholders(@NonNull Map<String, String> placeholders) Set placeholders list
Map<String, String> getPlaceholders() Get placeholders list
setPlaceholder(String key, String value) Set placeholder to the placeholders list. If you pass null, then the placeholder will be remove
clearCache() Clear all cached images, videos, game files

If the application supports multiple accounts, then you can implement switch user ID. To change user ID, you should use:


To change the apiKey parameter, you will need to reinitialize the InAppStoryManager (see the initialization example). This will remove the old instance. To change the testKey parameter, you can use the method:

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setTestKey(String testKey).



The class inherits from androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView. If necessary, you can use all the methods that are in the RecyclerView (setting the layoutManager, getting the adapter, etc.). The appearance of the stories list, as well as some elements of the story reader, is configured through the AppearanceManager class. It must be set globally for the library, or separately for the list before calling loadStories(). For a global setting, you must call the static method of the class:


To set the list you should call the instance method of the StoriesList class:


If the method for the list is not specified, then the settings from the global AppearanceManager will be used. If it's not specified, then a DataException will be thrown.

The AppearanceManager contains the following parameters (and their corresponding setters):

Variable Type Default Description
csHasLike Boolean false Flag that is responsible for connecting the like / dislike functionality
csHasShare Boolean false Flag that is responsible for connecting the sharing functionality
csHasFavorite Boolean false Flag that is responsible for connecting the functionality of favorite stories
csCloseOnSwipe Boolean true Flag that is responsible for closing stories by swiping down
csCloseOnOverscroll Boolean true Flag that is responsible for closing stories by swiping left on the last story or right on the first story
csListItemWidth Integer null the width of the list cell in pixels
csListItemHeight Integer null the height of the list cell in pixels
csListItemTitleSize Integer size of the title
csListItemTitleColor Integer Color.WHITE title color
csListItemBorderColor Integer Color.BLACK the border color for the unopened cell
csCustomFont Typeface the primary regular font, default for the title of the story in the cell. For reader dialogs must be set in the global AppearanceManager
csCustomBoldFont Typeface the primary bold font, set for reader dialogs and only in the global AppearanceManager
csCustomItalicFont Typeface the primary italic font, set for reader dialogs and only in the global AppearanceManager
csCustomBoldItalicFont Typeface the primary bold italic font, set for reader dialogs and only in the global AppearanceManager
csCustomSecondaryFont Typeface the secondary regular font, set for reader dialogs and only in the global AppearanceManager
csCustomSecondaryBoldFont Typeface the secondary bold font, set for reader dialogs and only in the global AppearanceManager
csCustomSecondaryItalicFont Typeface the secondary italic font, set for reader dialogs and only in the global AppearanceManager
csCustomSecondaryBoldItalicFont Typeface the secondary bold italic font, set for reader dialogs and only in the global AppearanceManager
csListItemMargin Integer 4dp indent between cells
csNavBarColor Integer 0 color of navigation bar.
csNightNavBarColor Integer 0 color of navigation bar in dark mode. If 0 - we use csNavBarColor
csClosePosition Integer 2 place, where we display the close button of the story reader (TOP_LEFT = 1; TOP_RIGHT = 2; BOTTOM_LEFT = 3; BOTTOM_RIGHT = 4;)
csStoryReaderAnimation Integer 2 animation of scrolling through stories in the story reader (ANIMATION_DEPTH = 1; ANIMATION_CUBE = 2;)
csIsDraggable Boolean true a flag that is responsible for the ability to close the story reader by drag'n'drop. This flag is set only for the global AppearanceManager
csLikeIcon Integer(id) R.drawable.ic_stories_status_like icon for like button in reader.
csDislikeIcon Integer(id) R.drawable.ic_stories_status_dislike icon for dislike button in reader.
csFavoriteIcon Integer(id) R.drawable.ic_stories_status_favorite icon for favorite button in reader.
csShareIcon Integer(id) R.drawable.ic_share_status icon for share button in reader.
csCloseIcon Integer(id) R.drawable.ic_stories_close icon for close button in reader.
csRefreshIcon Integer(id) R.drawable.ic_refresh icon for refresh button in reader.
csSoundIcon Integer(id) R.drawable.ic_stories_status_sound icon for sound button in reader.
csCoverQuality Integer 0 quality for stories list covers. If not set - sdk uses medium image quality (QUALITY_MEDIUM = 1; QUALITY_HIGH = 2;)
csTimerGradientEnable Boolean false Flag that is responsible for show dark gradient behind timer in reader

The example of set parameters:


Also, there are several interfaces in the AppearanceManager.


IStoriesListItem csListItemInterface - used for full customization of list items.

interface IStoriesListItem {
    View getView(); // here you need to pass View - the appearance of the cell
    View getVideoView(); // here you need to pass the View - the appearance of the cell in case the cells use the cover video
    void setTitle(View itemView, String title, Integer titleColor); // itemView is the current cell, in the required View we use the story header. The titleColor parameter can be null
    void setImage(View itemView, String url, int backgroundColor); // itemView - the current cell, in the required View show the story's cover or background color if it is absent
    void setOpened(View itemView, boolean isOpened); // itemView is the current cell, change it as needed if it is opened
    void setHasAudio(View itemView, boolean hasAudio); // itemView - the current cell, change it as needed if this story has audio inside
    void setVideo(View itemView, String videoUrl, String url, int backgroundColor); // itemView is the current cell, in the required View we show the video cover story (videoUrl), video poster (url) or background color if it is absent. To work with video cells, it is recommended to use a class from the VideoPlayer library as a container for displaying video and the loadVideo(String videoUrl) method to launch. This class provides for caching video covers. The VideoPlayer class inherits from TextureView

If this interface is specified, other parameters, affecting the appearance of the list cell, will be ignored. Example:

    .csListItemInterface(new IStoriesListItem() {
        public View getView() {
            return LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this)
                .inflate(R.layout.custom_story_list_item, null, false);

        public View getVideoView() {
            return LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this)
                .inflate(R.layout.custom_story_list_video_item, null, false);

        public void setTitle(View itemView, String title, Integer titleColor) {

        public void setImage(View itemView, String url, int backgroundColor) {
            // If there is a story with an image and without, then you may need to pre-clear the imageView using setImageResource(0)

        public void setVideo(View itemView, String videoUrl, String url, int backgroundColor) {

        public void setOpened(View itemView, boolean isOpened) {


        public void setHasAudio(View itemView, boolean hasAudio) {



IGetFavoriteListItem csFavoriteListItemInterface - used to fully customize the favorite item in the list

public interface IGetFavoriteListItem {
    View getFavoriteItem(List<FavoriteImage> favoriteImages, int count);
    void bindFavoriteItem(View favCell, List<FavoriteImage> favoriteImages, int count);

View favCell in bindFavoriteItem method - RelativeLayout, which contains the View returned by getFavoriteItem method. If you need to access the internal View directly - you must firstly set an id for it or access it as favCell.getChildAt(0).

Class FavoriteImage contains the methods:

Method Description
int getId() story id
Image getImage() cover story (the Image object contains the getUrl() method to get a link to the picture
int getBackgroundColor() background color


    .csFavoriteListItemInterface(new IGetFavoriteListItem() {
        public View getFavoriteItem(List<FavoriteImage> favImages, int count) {
            View v = LayoutInflater.from(MainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.custom_story_list_item_favorite, null, false);
            bindFavoriteItem(v, favImages, count);
            return v;

        public void bindFavoriteItem(View v, List<FavoriteImage> favImages, int count) {
            AppCompatTextView title = v.findViewById(R.id.title);
            title.setText("My favorites");
            RelativeLayout container = v.findViewById(R.id.container);
            AppCompatImageView image1 = new AppCompatImageView(MainActivity.this);
            if (!favImages.isEmpty()) {
                image1.setLayoutParams(new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
                if (favImages.get(0).getImage() != null) {
                    ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(favImages.get(0).getImage().getUrl(), -1, image1);
                } else {
            } else {

Also, to interact with the favorite cell (for example, to open a new window with a list of favorite stories), you need to add a handler:

storiesList.setOnFavoriteItemClick(new StoriesList.OnFavoriteItemClick() {
    public void onClick() {


ILoaderView iLoaderView - used to substitute your own loader instead of the default loader

public interface ILoaderView {
    View getView();

This interface must be set for the global AppearanceManager. Example:

globalAppearanceManager.csLoaderView(new ILoaderView() {
    public View getView() {
        RelativeLayout v = new RelativeLayout(MainActivity.this);
        v.addView(new View(MainActivity.this) {{
            setLayoutParams(new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(Sizes.dpToPxExt(48), Sizes.dpToPxExt(48)));
        return v;


IGameLoaderView iGameLoaderView - used to substitute your own loader instead of the default one on the games screen. This interface must be set for the global AppearanceManager.

public interface IGameLoaderView {
    View getView(); // When inheriting from an interface, View must return itself
    void setProgress(int progress, int max); // Progress values - from 0 to 100, 100 is transmitted as max 


StoryTouchListener csStoryTouchListener - used to add processing for clicking on cells in story lists (for example, for animation)

public interface StoryTouchListener {
    void touchDown(View view, int position); // View - list cell, position - position in the list 
    void touchUp(View view, int position);


Dimensions of the dialog box for displaying stories on a tablet

<dimen name="cs_tablet_width">400dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cs_tablet_height">600dp</dimen>


The library uses 7 buttons with icons: sound, refresh, close, like, dislike, share and favorite. For refresh and close buttons, the files ic_refresh.xml, ic_close.xml are used. Icons can be set both in vector form (for devices with Android 5.0 and higher), and as png/webp files for basic resolutions (mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi). The sound, like, dislike, share, and favorite buttons are defined by the ic_stories_status_sound.xml, ic_stories_status_like.xml, ic_stories_status_dislike.xml, ic_share_status.xml and ic_stories_status_favorite.xml. The sound, like, dislike and favorite layout is represented as a selector. State_activated (true / false) is used to display the status.

SDK integration

Events (1.3.x)

The library interacts using the event model, which is provided by the internal CsEventBus module (a shortcut version of the EventBus library). You can subscribe your own objects to the events generated by the library. Example:

@CsSubscribe(threadMode = CsThreadMode.MAIN)
public void onStoriesLoadedEvent(StoriesLoaded event) {
    Toast.makeText(getActivity(), ""+event.getCount(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void handleSomethingElse(SomeOtherEvent event) {

All event subscribers should register in accordance with their lifecycle and, if possible, disconnect from CsEventBus. Example:

public void onStart() {
public void onStop() {

Below are the events that you can subscribe to:

  1. StoriesLoaded - the list of stories has been loaded, the widget is ready to work (triggered every time when the list is loaded, including at refresh). The event contains the int getCount() method - the number of stories

All other events contain 4 methods:

int getId() - get id of stories
String getTitle() - get the title of stories
ArrayList<String> getTags() - get story tags
int getSlidesCount() - number of slides
  1. ClickOnStory - click on stories in the list (both in the regular list and in the favorites). Additional method int getSource(), can return ClickOnStory.LIST, ClickOnStory.FAVORITE values.

  2. ShowStory - showing the reader with stories (after click or swiping in the regular stories list, in the favorites stories list , single story or onboarding story). Additional method int getSource(), can return ShowStory.SINGLE, ShowStory.ONBOARDING, ShowStory.LIST, ShowStory.FAVORITE values.

The following events (4-13) contain the int getIndex() method - from which slide the event was triggered.

  1. CloseStory - closing stories. Additional methods:
  • int getAction(), can return the values CloseStory.AUTO, CloseStory.CLICK, CloseStory.SWIPE, CloseStory.CUSTOM
  • int getSource(), can return the values ShowStory.SINGLE, ShowStory.ONBOARDING, ShowStory.LIST, ShowStory.FAVORITE
  1. CallToAction - click on the button in the story or swipe up on the SwipeUp widget. Additional methods:
  • String getLink(), returns a link embedded in a button
  • int getType(), can return values CallToAction.SWIPE = 1, CallToAction.BUTTON = 0 This event replaces the ClickOnButton deprecated event .
  1. ShowSlide - showing a slide.

  2. ClickOnShareStory - click on the share button.

  3. StartGame - click on the start game button

  4. CloseGame - manual close game (by close button and etc).

  5. FinishGame - at the end of the game (with automatic closing). It also contains a getResult() method that returns a json string with the result of the game.

The next 3 events also contain the method boolean getValue() - what state the button is in (true - activated)

  1. LikeStory - click on the like button

  2. DislikeStory - click on the dislike button

  3. FavoriteStory - click on the button for adding stories to favorites

There are the following events for working with onboarding and single stories:

  1. OnboardingLoad - sent when the onboarding list is loaded. Contains a getCount method that returns the number of onboarding stories and isEmpty - a flag whether an empty list was returned on request or not.

  2. OnboardingLoadError - sent when loading the onboarding list in case of an error

  3. SingleLoad - sent when loading single story by id (by InAppStoryManager.getInstance().showStory method)

  4. SingleLoadError - sent when loading single story by id in case of some error

There are 2 events for tracking errors:

  1. StoriesErrorEvent - occurs when some kind of error comes from the server. Contains 7 different types depending on the place of origin. Has a getType method for getting the type of error. The types of errors:
CACHE = 6;

2)NoConnectionEvent - when trying to download without internet. Has a getType method to get the type of error.

Work with sound

The InAppStoryManager.getInstance().soundOn flag is responsible for on/off sound playback in stories (true - sound is on, false – sound is off). The default value of the flag is written in the constants.xml file in the defaultMuted variable (by default true - the sound is off) and can be reloaded. Please note that the soundOn value is set as !soundMuted (it will be false by default). Also, the InAppStoryManager.getInstance().soundOn flag is public, so you can (for example, after initializing InAppStoryManager) set its value directly. Example:

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().soundOn = true;

Onboarding stories

The library supports work with onboarding stories. The function for loading onboarding stories is follows:

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().showOnboardingStories(Context context, AppearanceManager manager);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().showOnboardingStories(List<String> tags, Context context, AppearanceManager manager);

Functions are passed, context, display manager (used to determine the position of the close button and animation in the reader) and list of tags for second. It may be necessary to perform some action in the application immediately after the onboarding stories is loaded (or if they could not appear on screen, since all of them were already displayed earlier or some kind of error occurred). In this case, you need to subscribe to the following CsEventBus events:

OnboardingLoad - sent when the onboarding list is uploaded.
OnboardingLoadError - sent when loading the onboarding list in case of an error. 

Single stories

SDK allows to open one story by its id or slug.

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().showStory(String storyId, Context context, AppearanceManager manager, IShowStoryCallback callback /*optional, may be null*/);

interface IShowStoryCallback {
    void onShow(); //Calls after loading data about story from server
    void onError(); //Calls if loading fails

In case of a successful / unsuccessful attempt to load stories, events are raised that the developer can subscribe to change the states of any external elements in the application:

SingleLoad - sent when loading a single story by id (by `InAppStoryManager.getInstance().showStory` method). 
SingleLoadError - sent when loading a single story by id in case of some error. 

The function allows you to load all stories, including those that are not in the stories list returned to the user.


The handler for clicks on buttons in stories is set in the InAppStoryManager through the method:

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setUrlClickCallback(UrlClickCallback callback);

The UrlClickCallback interface contains the onUrlClick(String url) method, which must be overrided. Example:

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setUrlClickCallback(new InAppStoryManager.UrlClickCallback() {
    public void onUrlClick(String link) {
        Toast.makeText(context, link, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

If you need to close the reader when the handler is triggered, you need to call static method InAppStoryManager.closeStoryReader() in onUrlClick:

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setUrlClickCallback(new InAppStoryManager.UrlClickCallback() {
    public void onUrlClick(String link) {

The SDK has a default link handler:

Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

It is not used during overriding, so if you want to keep the processing of links that are not required by the application in their default form, then you need to take them into account when overriding.

You can also override the handler for clicking on the sharing button as follows:

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setShareCallback(new InAppStoryManager.ShareCallback() {
    public void onShare(String url, String title, String description, String shareId) {
        doAction(url, title, description);

From version 1.4 or above you should use callbacks instead of events. There are 2 types of callbacks - for InAppStoryManager and for StoriesList.

InAppStoryManager callbacks:

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setShowStoryCallback(ShowStoryCallback showStoryCallback); 
//equivalent to 'ShowStory' event

public interface ShowStoryCallback {
        void showStory(int id,
                   String title,
                   String tags,
                   int slidesCount,
                   SourceType source);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setCloseStoryCallback(CloseStoryCallback closeStoryCallback); 
//equivalent to 'CloseStory' event

public interface CloseStoryCallback {

        void closeStory(int id,
                    String title,
                    String tags,
                    int slidesCount,
                    int index,
                    CloseReader action,
                    SourceType source);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setCallToActionCallback(CallToActionCallback callToActionCallback); 
//equivalent to 'CallToAction' event

public interface CallToActionCallback {
        void callToAction(int id,
                      String title,
                      String tags,
                      int slidesCount,
                      int index,
                      String link,
                      ClickAction action);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setShowSlideCallback(ShowSlideCallback showSlideCallback); 
//equivalent to 'ShowSlide' event

public interface ShowSlideCallback {
        void showSlide(int id,
                   String title,
                   String tags,
                   int slidesCount,
                   int index);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setClickOnShareStoryCallback(ClickOnShareStoryCallback clickOnShareStoryCallback); 
//equivalent to 'ClickOnShareStory' event

public interface ClickOnShareStoryCallback {
        void shareClick(int id,
                    String title,
                    String tags,
                    int slidesCount,
                    int index);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setLikeDislikeStoryCallback(LikeDislikeStoryCallback likeDislikeStoryCallback); 
//equivalent to 'LikeStory' and 'DislikeStory' event

public interface LikeDislikeStoryCallback {
        void likeStory(int id,
                   String title,
                   String tags,
                   int slidesCount,
                   int index,
                   boolean value);

        void dislikeStory(int id,
                      String title,
                      String tags,
                      int slidesCount,
                      int index,
                      boolean value);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setFavoriteStoryCallback(FavoriteStoryCallback favoriteStoryCallback); 
//equivalent to 'FavoriteStory' event

public interface FavoriteStoryCallback {
        void favoriteStory(int id,
                       String title,
                       String tags,
                       int slidesCount,
                       int index,
                       boolean value);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setSingleLoadCallback(SingleLoadCallback singleLoadCallback) ; 
//equivalent to 'SingleLoad' event

public interface SingleLoadCallback {
        void singleLoad(String storyId);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setOnboardingLoadCallback(OnboardingLoadCallback onboardingLoadCallback); 
//equivalent to 'OnboardingLoad' event

public interface OnboardingLoadCallback {
        void onboardingLoad(int count);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setErrorCallback(ErrorCallback errorCallback); 
//equivalent to events that send different errors
//can be set with custom implementation or with ErrorCallbackAdapter class

public interface ErrorCallback {
        void loadListError();
        void loadOnboardingError();
        void loadSingleError();
        void cacheError();
        void readerError();
        void emptyLinkError();
        void sessionError();
        void noConnection();
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setGameCallback(GameCallback gameCallback); 
//equivalent to 'StartGame', 'CloseGame' and 'FinishGame' events
//can be set with custom implementation or with GameCallbackAdapter class

public interface GameCallback {
        void startGame(int id,
                       String title,
                       String tags,
                       int slidesCount,
                       int index);

        void finishGame(int id,
                        String title,
                        String tags,
                        int slidesCount,
                        int index,
                        String result);

        void closeGame(int id,
                       String title,
                       String tags,
                       int slidesCount,
                       int index);

Enums used in methods:

public enum SourceType {

public enum CloseReader {

public enum ClickAction {

StoriesList callback:

storiesList.setCallback(ListCallback callback);
//equivalent to 'StoriesLoaded' and  'ClickOnStory' events
//can be set with custom implementation or with GameCallbackAdapter class

public interface ListCallback {
    void storiesLoaded(int size);
    void loadError();
    void itemClick(int id, 
                   int listIndex,
                   String title, 
                   String tags, 
                   int slidesCount, 
                   boolean isFavoriteList);

Stories Goods Widget

In stories you can add goods widget. It can be represented as horizontal list of items (default implementation with RecyclerView) or you can fully customize it.
If you want to use widget you should set csCustomGoodsWidget interface in global AppearanceManager. Example:

public class GoodsItemData {
    public GoodsItemData(String sku, 
                         String title, 
                         String description, 
                         String image, 
                         String price, 
                         String oldPrice, 
                         Object raw);

public interface GetGoodsDataCallback {
    void onSuccess(ArrayList<GoodsItemData> data);
    void onError();
    void onClose(); //Use if you want to close goods widget.
    void itemClick(String sku); //Use to send click statistic in custom widget

globalAppearanceManager.csCustomGoodsWidget(new ICustomGoodsWidget() {
    public View getWidgetView() {

    public ICustomGoodsItem getItem() {

    public IGoodsWidgetAppearance getWidgetAppearance() {

    public RecyclerView.ItemDecoration getDecoration() {

    public void getSkus(ArrayList<String> skus, GetGoodsDataCallback callback) {
        //In this method you should always call 
        //callback.onSuccess(ArrayList<GoodsItemData> data)
        //or callback.onError();

    public void onItemClick(GoodsItemData sku) {
        //This action does not close stories reader and game reader. 
        //If you want to close readers, you should call `InAppStoryManager.closeStoryReader()` for closing all readers and widget

If you want use default implementation (RecyclerView) than method getWidgetView() should return null. In that case you override other methods like getItem(), getWidgetAppearance(), getDecoration(), onItemClick() as you need. Otherwise that methods won't be called and could return null values. Method getItem() returns next interface:

public interface ICustomGoodsItem {
    View getView();

    void bindView(View view, GoodsItemData data);

Here is an example for this method:

public ICustomGoodsItem getItem() {
    return new ICustomGoodsItem() {
        public View getView() {
            return LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.custom_goods_list_item,
                   null, false);

        public void bindView(View view, GoodsItemData goodsItemData) {
            ((TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.title)).setText(goodsItemData.title);
            loadImage((ImageView)view.findViewById(R.id.image), goodsItemData.image);

Also you can use method getWidgetAppearance() if you want customize other parts of widget (background line, close button). Also for simple usage you can override GoodsWidgetAppearanceAdapter() instead of interface. Method returns next interface:

public interface IGoodsWidgetAppearance {
    int getBackgroundHeight();
    int getBackgroundColor();
    int getDimColor();
    Drawable getCloseButtonImage();
    int getCloseButtonColor();

Here is an example for this method:

public ICustomGoodsItem get() {
    return new GoodsWidgetAppearanceAdapter() {
        public int getBackgroundColor() {
            return Color.BLUE;

In method getSkus() you get ids for goods items. When you get data for this items from your application, you should create array of GoodsItemData items and call getGoodsDataCallback.onSuccess(ArrayList data). Also in case of any error in retreiving data for items, you should call getGoodsDataCallback.onError(). Here is an example for this method:

public void getSkus(ArrayList<String> skus, GetGoodsDataCallback callback) {
    ArrayList<GoodsItemData> goodsItemData = new ArrayList<>();
    HashMap<String, CustomGoodsItem> goods = getGoodsItemsFromServer(skus)
    for (String sku : skus) {
        CustomGoodsItem item = goods.get(sku)
        GoodsItemData data = new GoodsItemData(sku, item.title, item.description, item.imageLink, item.price, item.oldPrice, item);
        //last variable can be used in case if you want to represent any additional fields in custom cell with `ICustomGoodsItem.bindView()`
        //or get your object in `onItemClick()`

If you want to fully customize your widget, you should override getWidgetView() to return NonNull view. In that case all binding logic should be in getSkus() method. For example:

globalAppearanceManager.csCustomGoodsWidget(new ICustomGoodsWidget() {
                RelativeLayout container;

                public View getWidgetView() {
                    container =
                            (RelativeLayout) View.inflate(context,
                                    R.layout.custom_goods_widget, null);
                    return container;

                public ICustomGoodsItem getItem() {
                    return null;

                public RecyclerView.ItemDecoration getDecoration() {
                    return null;

                public void getSkus(ArrayList<String> skus, GetGoodsDataCallback getGoodsDataCallback) {
                    if (container != null && skus != null) {
                        getGoodsDataCallback.onSuccess(new ArrayList<>());
                        for (String sku : skus) {
                            TextView textView = new TextView(context);
                            LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
                            textView.setOnClickListener(v1 -> {
                                Toast.makeText(context, textView.getText(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                            ((LinearLayout) container.findViewById(R.id.container)).addView(textView);

                        container.findViewById(R.id.close).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(View v) {

                public void onItemClick(GoodsItemData goodsItemData) {


Home Screen Widget

When creating a widget, it is possible to add a list of stories. This will display the first 4 elements of the list. To do this, you need to set the properties of the list using the method:

    Context context, //context, it is best to pass the widget context, required parameter  
    Class widgetClass //widget class (WidgetName.class), required parameter 
    Integer itemCornerRadius //radius of corners of list cells, optional parameter 

The list is a GridView, so when marking up the widget, you need to add the corresponding element . Example:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        android:verticalSpacing="6dp" />

In the manifest file of the widget, you must set a filter for events:

        <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" />
        <action android:name="ias_w.UPDATE_WIDGETS"/> //comes when there is a need to load the list from the server 
        <action android:name="ias_w.UPDATE_SUCCESS_WIDGETS"/> //comes in case of successful receipt of a non-empty list of stories from the server 
        <action android:name="ias_w.UPDATE_NO_CONNECTION"/> //comes in if when trying to get the list from the server failed to connect to the Internet 
        <action android:name="ias_w.UPDATE_EMPTY_WIDGETS"/> //comes in case of receiving an empty list of stories from the server 
        <action android:name="ias_w.UPDATE_AUTH"/> //comes in if the user is not authorized in the InAppStorySDK 
        <action android:name="ias_w.CLICK_ITEM"/> //comes when clicking on a list item of the story widget 

The corresponding event constants are defined as follows:

public static final String UPDATE = "ias_w.UPDATE_WIDGETS";
public static final String CLICK_ITEM = "ias_w.CLICK_ITEM";
public static final String POSITION = "item_position";
public static final String ID = "item_id";
public static final String UPDATE_SUCCESS = "ias_w.UPDATE_SUCCESS_WIDGETS";
public static final String UPDATE_EMPTY = "ias_w.UPDATE_EMPTY_WIDGETS";
public static final String UPDATE_NO_CONNECTION = "ias_w.UPDATE_NO_CONNECTION";
public static final String UPDATE_AUTH = "ias_w.UPDATE_AUTH";

In the onReceive method of the widget, you can subscribe to them. Example:

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    if (intent.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(UPDATE_SUCCESS)) {
    } else if (intent.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(UPDATE)) {
        try {
        } catch (DataException e) {
    } else if (intent.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(UPDATE_EMPTY)) {
    } else if (intent.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(UPDATE_AUTH)) {
    } else if (intent.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(UPDATE_NO_CONNECTION)) {
    } else if (intent.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(CLICK_ITEM)) {
        int itemId = intent.getIntExtra(StoriesWidgetService.ID, -1);
        int itemPos = intent.getIntExtra(StoriesWidgetService.POSITION, -1);
        if (itemPos != -1) {
            Toast.makeText(context, "Clicked on item " + itemPos + ", id " + itemId, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    super.onReceive(context, intent);

Exmaple createSuccessData() function:

void createSuccessData(final Context context) {
    ComponentName thisAppWidget = new ComponentName(
            context.getPackageName(), getClass().getName());
    final AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager
    final int appWidgetIds[] = appWidgetManager.getAppWidgetIds(thisAppWidget);
    for (int i = 0; i < appWidgetIds.length; ++i) {

        Intent intent = new Intent(context, StoriesWidgetService.class);
        intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetIds[i]);

        RemoteViews rv = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.cs_widget_stories_list);

        rv.setRemoteAdapter(appWidgetIds[i], R.id.storiesGrid, intent);
        setClick(rv, context, appWidgetIds[i]);
        appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetIds[i], rv);
        appWidgetManager.notifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged(appWidgetIds[i], R.id.storiesGrid);

void setClick(RemoteViews rv, Context context, int appWidgetId) {
    Intent listClickIntent = new Intent(context, MyWidget.class);
    PendingIntent listClickPIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, listClickIntent, 0);
    rv.setPendingIntentTemplate(R.id.storiesGrid, listClickPIntent);

The StoriesWidgetService.loadData (Context context) method is used directly to load the list. It can be called, for example, from the onUpdate or onEnabled method of the widget. Example:

public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager,
                     int[] appWidgetIds) {
    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
            } catch (DataException e) {
    }, 500);
    updateData(appWidgetManager, context, appWidgetIds);
    super.onUpdate(context, appWidgetManager, appWidgetIds);

By default, the cells of the list of the widget are square, 70x70. It is specified in the cs_widget_grid_item.xml file. To change, you need to reload this file, while maintaining the identifiers and type of the container, title, image elements. The container element sets the proportions of the cells, so the cell size must be determined in it. Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


            android:scaleType="fitCenter" />
            android:textColor="@color/white" />


1) Cell reshaping: rectangle, circle

In order to define a rectangular cell - in the AppearanceManager you can use csListItemWidth (int width), csListItemHeight (int height). If you need a round cell, you need to use customization via csListItemInterface.

2) Custom font

To customize the font of the cell, use csCustomFont(Typeface font) in the AppearanceManager. There is no font customization in the story reader, the font for stories is automatically downloaded from the backend server.

3) Changing the position of the timer / cross

The AppearanceManager uses csClosePosition.

4) Changing the loader in the story reader

The global AppearanceManager uses customization via csLoaderView.

5) Defining the handler for buttons

Use the InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setUrlClickCallback(InAppStoryManager.UrlClickCallback callback) method. Also in the callback, it may be necessary to add the closure of the story reader via:


6) Changing user's account in the application

Use the InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setUserId(String userId) method. All loaded StoriesList instances will be reloaded (calling storiesList.loadStories() is automatical).

7) Adding PTR

In the callback of PTR method, add storiesList.loadStories().

8) Changing tags

Use methods:

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setTags(ArrayList<String> tags);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().addTags(ArrayList<String> tags);
InAppStoryManager.getInstance().removeTags(ArrayList<String> tags);

9) Favorites

When initializing AppearanceManager use the csHasFavorite(true) property. In the case of customizing the appearance of the list cells through IStoriesListItem csListItemInterface, you must also customize the appearance of the favorites cell using the IGetFavoriteListItem csFavoriteListItemInterface interface. In addition, to interact with the favorites cell, add the storiesList.setOnFavoriteItemClick(StoriesList.OnFavoriteItemClick callback) handler. When displaying a list of favorites in xml-layout with a list, you must add the cs_listIsFavorite attribute.

10) Opening stories from push notifications

In the push notification handler function, add a call to a single story using the InAppStoryManager.getInstance().showStory(String storyId, Context context, AppearanceManager manager, IShowStoryCallback callback) function.

11) Onboarding

Use the call to InAppStoryManager.getInstance().showOnboardingStories(List<String> tags, Context context, AppearanceManager manager).

12) Like / dislike.

When initializing AppearanceManager use the csHasLike(true) property.

13) Sharing

When initializing AppearanceManager use the csHasShare(true) property. It is also possible to customize the InAppStoryManager.getInstance().setShareCallback(ShareCallback shareCallback) handler.

14) Turn on / off sound by default

In the file constants.xml in the defaultMuted variable set a value. If true, then the sound will be off by default, if false - on.

15) Turning sound on / off at runtime

Change the value of the InAppStoryManager.getInstance().soundOn flag. Example:

InAppStoryManager.getInstance().soundOn = true;


You can find more basic code samples in this repository