TransPath: Learning Heuristics For Grid-Based Pathfinding via Transformers

This is the code repository for the following paper accepted at AAAI 2023:

Daniil Kirilenko, Anton Andreychuk, Aleksandr Panov, Konstantin Yakovlev, "TransPath: Learning Heuristics For Grid-Based Pathfinding via Transformers", AAAI, 2023.

Visual abstract


Train, validation, and test maps with pre-computed values mentioned in our paper are available here. One can download and exctract it manually or just run

Pretrained models

Directory ./weights contains parameters for some of the pre-trained models from the paper.

Use to train a model from scratch.


Check example.ipynb for some examples of predictions and search results of our models. There are a few examples of train and out-of-distribution maps in the directory ./maps.