Creating animated graph from csv table
usage: [-h] [-o O] [-p P] [--dpi DPI] [--update UPDATE] [--time_col TIME_COL] [--nogrid] [--figx FIGX] [--figy FIGY]
[--pcx PCX] [--pcy PCY]
animated graph plotter
positional arguments:
data_path path to csv table
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o O output filename
-p P path to video
--dpi DPI dpi for video
--update UPDATE time of showing each frame
--time_col TIME_COL number of column with time
--nogrid render without grid
--figx FIGX horizontal figure size in inches
--figy FIGY vertical figure size in inches
--pcx PCX horizontal plots count
--pcy PCY vertical plots count