
StructVIO is a tightly-coupled visual-inertial system that incorporates points, lines, and structural lines under Atlantas world assumption. More details are on the project page (http://drone.sjtu.edu.cn/dpzou/project/structvio.html)

Primary LanguagePython

StructVIO is a tightly-coupled visual-inertial system that incorporates points, lines, and structural lines under Atlantas world assumption.

The repository stores only the binary executable of StructVIO and sripts for evaluation. Please see the project page for more details, especially the dataset.

Running StructVIO

After downloading the binary file and extraction of 'Soft-01.zip' to the 'Soft-01' folder, we run the following command to start VIO.

./structvio -i ./Soft-01 -n Soft-01 -r Soft-01-res -c structvio_data.yaml

Here, 'structvio_data.yaml' is a configuration file for the running algorithm, which includes the camera and imu parameters.

Here structvio_data.yaml and euroc_data.yaml are the default configurations for StructVIO datasets and Euroc datasets. You can type

./structvio --help

to get the usage of different arguments. Some of them are listed in the following.

-g,  --gui_on
  Display the GUIs

-t <Image latency (nanoseconds)>,  --img_latency <Image latency
  Time latency of image

-i <root path of the input data>,  --input_dir <root path of the input
  (required)  The root path of the single set of data

-n <name of the data>,  --data_name <name of the data>
  (required)  The name of the data

-r <result dir>,  --result_dir <result dir>
  (required)  The folder to save the results

-c <.yaml file of configuration>,  --cfg_yaml <.yaml file of
  (required)  The .yaml file that specifies the sensor parameters and
  program options

-p <number>,  --point_num <number>
  Number of points used

-l <0|1|2>,  --line_type <0|1|2>
  Type of lines used: 0-structlines, 1-general lines, 2-both

-f <0|1|2>,  --feature_type <0|1|2>
  Type of features used: 0 - point, 1 - line, 2 - both

If you want to run point-only VIO, please type

./structvio -i ./Soft-01 -n Soft-01 -r Soft-01-res -c structvio_data.yaml - f 0

You can also change the number of points allowed to be detected by using '-p' option. For example, we change the number to 50.

./structvio -i ./Soft-01 -n Soft-01 -r Soft-01-res -c structvio_data.yaml - f 0 -p 50

To run StructVIO on the Euroc datasets, download the configuration file euroc_data.yaml and type

./structvio -i ./MH_01_easy -n mav0 -r MH_01_easy-res -c euroc_data.yaml