
Magento Social Scroller - Intergrating facebook, twitter and google+ feeds into a single news ticker

Primary LanguagePHP

Gremlin Tech Solutions - Social Scroller

Magento 1.9.x Social Scroller, intergrate Facebook, Twitter, Google SDk Libraries to allow pulling down a feed of each of the relivant pages into a simple news ticker to allow customers to see all your latest social media activity in one location, but keeping all the relivant links in tact.


Install using modman.

modman clone gremlintech_scoialscroller https://github.com/danrcoull/gremlintech_socialscroller.git
modman deploy gremlintech_socialscroller

Install Using Composer

php composer.phar config socialscroller vcs https://github.com/danrcoull/gremlintech_socialscroller.git
php composer.phar require gremlintech/socialscroller


Go to System -> Configuration -> GremlinTech -> Social Core

  1. Enabled - is the module enabled if not do nothing

  2. Debug - Not implemented as of version 1.0.0

  3. Configure your twitter oauth settings. Twitter Apps

  4. Enter the username you wish to get the twitter feed from.

  5. Enter the number of tweets to show.

  6. Configure your google app google devloper console

  7. In the console visit library and search Google+ Api and enable

  8. Create a browser api key in ap and credentials.

  9. Enter the unique url of the page without the +.

  10. Facebook create an app, and enter api information see link in helpful links

  11. Wordpress not enabled as of version 1.0.0

  12. Open the Layout.xml and modify the location of the block.

  13. Call $this->getChildHtml() to show the block.


Enable the feed cache via magento admin. System -> Cache Management -> Social Scroller Feed Cache -> Enable

If not enabled you are likly to get blocked due to the number of queries that will be made. When enabled the feed will refresh in accordance with the cache settings in your magento admin.


See this working on one of my sites at :

fashion threads boutique

helpful Setup

if you need some help with setting up facebook apps 2016 see below link.

Setup Facebook app 2015/2016