FFT based image registration tool for Python and MATLAB

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookOtherNOASSERTION

Robust FFT-Based Image Registration Tools for Python

This program provides robust image registration method using "Phase Correlation" technique.

With this toolbox, you can estimate Translation, Rotation and Scaling between two images.

Output form is supported: Affine Matrix, each parameter

Here is image mosaicing result with this tool.

Getting started


  • master branch
    • Python3.X (Confirmed with 3.5 with Anaconda on Windows10)
    • opencv-python (opencv v.3.4)
    • opencv-contrib-python
    • numpy
    • matplotlib
  • version/4.5.1 branch
    • Python3.X (Confirmed with 3.9 on Miniforge on M1 Mac)
    • opencv-python (opencv v.4.1)
    • opencv-contrib-python
    • numpy
    • matplotlib

This branch is for the opencv 3.X. For windows users, anaconda is one of the choise to install both of this.


Put imregpoc.py to your working directory and just import it.

import imregpoc

or use setup.py shown below.

git clone https://github.com/YoshiRi/ImRegPOC
cd python_package
python setup.py install

or using pip

git clone https://github.com/YoshiRi/ImRegPOC
cd python_package/dist
pip install "ImRegPOC-1.0-py3-none-any.whl"


There are two classes included in this module. Both classes supports the image registration method.


Import modules and read monocular images.

import cv2
import numpy as np
import imregpoc

# read monocular image
ref = cv2.imread('ref.png',0)
cmp = cv2.imread('cmp.png',0)


Read monocular images and put two images to the imregpoc class.

# initialization
result = imregpoc.imregpoc(ref,cmp)

You can get perspective transformation matrix with

>>> result.getPerspective()
array([[  1.02470708,   0.25912559,  -6.2450943 ],
       [ -0.25912559,   1.02470708,  67.10983276],
       [  0.        ,   0.        ,   1.        ]], dtype=float32)

or can get transformation parameters of [x traslation, y translation, rotation, scaling].

>>> result.getParam()

The merit of this method is that you can detect the success of this estimation via checking certain value. You can use isSucceed() function to check it. (0/1 to failure/succeed)

>>> result.isSucceed()

Finally you can see stitched image based on the matching results.

>>> result.stitching()

Feature points based template track

If you can use opencv-contrib package, this TempMacher class also support feature points based matching. You can use following descriptors.

  • SIFT
  • SURF
  • KAZE
  • ORB

Here is sample code.

# read monocular image
ref = cv2.imread('ref.png',0)
cmp = cv2.imread('cmp.png',0)

# initialization (SIFT can be changed to other descriptor)
matcher = imregpoc.TempMatcher(ref,'SIFT')

match() function can do matching with the chosen descriptor.

matcher.match(cmp,1) # you can ommit like matcher.match(cmp) to avoid show matched image

# perspective transformation matrix (Homography matrix)
# stitching two images based on the matching result

For further function, please see ./python_package/test.ipynb.

Data Sets

The data sets to evaluate the Image registration results are available in Google Drive.


BSD license

Author and Citation

If you used this programs, please cite our paper.

For Japanese, please refer this paper.

李 尭希, 藤本博志, ``FFT に基づくロバストな画像のレジストレーション手法の設計’’,電気学会論文誌D, Vol. 139, No. 1, pp.22-29, 2019

Or this paper.

Y. Ri and H. Fujimoto, “Drift-free Motion Estimation from Video Images using Phase Correlation and Linear Optimization,” in The 15th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 2018, p. N/A.

Another Related paper is here :

Y. Ri and H. Fujimoto, “Image Based Visual Servo Application on Video Tracking with Monocular Camera Based on Phase Correlation Method,” The 3rd IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization, 2017. [1]