
Resources to build ViaRE. Discussions on information sources, facts, and idea abstractions. Mainly for inner use


ViaRE's Reference

This is the place in where we share the list of references we use to keep developing ViaRE.

This includes both:

  1. books that will be directly used as reference for new integrations into ViaRE, and
  2. books that help Daque members become better developers (or persons).


The proccess

Every reference we find must go through this proccess:

The Finding

We find a book, website, article, magazine, etc. that we consider may be useful to keep generating ideas, getting context, or keeping us interested.

If the book could be used to generate ideas for ViaRE, it will be added to /viare/to-read.md. Otherwise, it will be added to /to-read.md

When we skim the table of contents or something similar, we should take note of what the book could provide us.


When any member or contributor of Daque starts to read an item inside /to-read.md or /viare/to-read.md, they must start to take notes on that item.

To start taking notes, you create a file inside /reading or /viare/reading. The name of the file will be {Author's Surname}{Year} - {Title}.tex. If that file already exists, it must mean that someone already started taking notes. In such case, you should add \subsection{ {username} } at the end of the file, and start taking notes in there.

Example filenames:

  • /reading/Kleinberg2005-Algorithm-design.tex
  • /viare/reading/Ilachinski2004-Artificial-war.tex

Example file content:

% ...

% ...

% {notes}

% {notes}

A note must be added to the book entry in /to-read.md or /viare/to-read.md indicating your name and the date you started reading it in format YYYY-M M-DD. For example:

- {Book entry} | David, 2019-02-20

Finished books

When any book is finished by any member, they must move their notes to /notes or /viare/notes, and remove them from /reading or /viare/reading.

The last member to finish the book, should remove the book entry entirely from reading.

Referencing notes

Every file inside /notes or /viare/notes must be referenced from this file, under the category (or categories) it fits better in. If no category seems appropiate, it should be discussed in a new issue. A brief paragraph must accompany the entry, and must describe the most general contribution to this knowledge-base.




  • {Book title with link to entry in /notes}: {Brief description of the content}

Mathematical Thinking

  • {Book title with link to entry in /notes}: {Brief description of the content}



  • {Book title with link to entry in /viare/notes}: {Brief description of the content}


  • {Book title with link to entry in /viare/notes}: {Brief description of the content}