- 2
Stop using AugmentableElement
#4015 opened by scheglov - 2
Have an option to generate docs without categories
#4012 opened by HosseinYousefi - 1
Improve formatting by centering content
#4009 opened by nhannah - 3
Update alert styling to match github
#3995 opened by kevmoo - 1
Crash: `dart doc` newly fails with stable Dart v3.7.0
#3996 opened by mkorbel1 - 5
issues rolling into google3 (from the sdk)
#3969 opened by devoncarew - 1
Support for Multilingual Documentation in dartdoc
#3997 opened by naghinezhad - 1
[Dot Shorthands] Dartdoc Support
#3956 opened by kallentu - 3
- 4
Specified categories were disapperared from the API doc
#3953 opened by AlexV525 - 1
- 7
Separate "Methods" and "Extension Methods" sections
#3941 opened by loic-sharma - 6
issue rolling into google3
#3959 opened by devoncarew - 19
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 1
Dartdoc 8.3.1 broken for sass_api package
#3948 opened by nex3 - 0
Too many broken links are generated or link validation bug?
#3943 opened by isoos - 7
Names of anonymous libraries in 'Flutter' package are not stripped of 'package' prefix
#3882 opened by srawlins - 5
404 page broken when served for URL paths with `/`s in them
#3930 opened by athomas - 1
- 3
The generated library URLs need an ending slash
#3936 opened by isoos - 2
- 0
Refactor dartdoc's complex system of "special classes"
#3927 opened by srawlins - 3
add option to hide deprecated APIs in web view
#3921 opened by Luckey-Elijah - 2
- 1
- 1
- 5
- 0
- 0
Support for Enhanced Parts
#3893 opened by srawlins - 5
Search on doesn't work
#3889 opened by mkustermann - 1
8.2.0 is not compatible with latest Dart SDK
#3887 opened by isoos - 6
`@template` on extension don't work
#3888 opened by dickermoshe - 3
- 0
Potential library path conflicts
#3881 opened by srawlins - 0
- 4
Some property pages in the collection package's docs have duplicated content
#3851 opened by srawlins - 10
- 2
Regression: Categories duplicate symbols
#3860 opened by matanlurey - 2
Top right search bar not functioning correctly
#3861 opened by curiouslaw - 0
A class's doc comment is visually too close to the list of Implemented types
#3849 opened by srawlins - 0
- 0
"Implemented types" contain weird repeated entries
#3845 opened by srawlins - 2
extension type's constructor parameter gets a symbol but no documentation can be attached to it
#3830 opened by isoos - 2
Broken links for class members main body vs sidebar
#3828 opened by kevmoo - 2
Dartdoc failing with `UnimplementedError: No members on Library.sentinel are accessible`
#3826 opened by sigurdm - 6
"Null check operator used on a null value" running "dart doc ." in latest beta
#3823 opened by DanTup - 0