
Perception with uncertainty quantification

Primary LanguageJulia


Perception with uncertainty quantification

Getting Started

First, install docker compose (NOT docker-compose) according to the instructions here.

Recommended: To be able to run Docker without typing sudo, follow the instructions here.


docker compose build
docker compose up

You may run docker compose in the background, e.g.

docker compose up &

or simply leave the docker window open and switch to a new tab to proceed.

You can list currently running docker containers with

docker ps

Open a shell in the container with

docker exec -it <container name> bash

If you have set up docker to work without sudo, you can use the Tab key to auto-complete container names.

You are now ready to execute code!

Julia Setup

From inside the docker container in the /root folder, run:

julia src/init.jl

This will install all the packages needed (may take some time).

When running code, either run init.jl to set up a new REPL, or

cd src/


And then inside the Julia REPL, run

# Activate the environment as defined by the relevant .toml files
] activate .

# Install/load the packages
] instantiate