Used to trim off the primer sequence from amplicon fastq file
PROGRAM: pTrimmer
VERSION: 1.3.4
PLATFORM: Linux, macOS and Windows
COMPILER: gcc-4.8.5
AUTHOR: xiaolong zhang
DATE: 2017-09-21
UPDATE: 2021-03-17
- zlib-1.2.7
- The first thing you need to do is confirming the libraries above have been installed.
- And the gcc compiler should be available on your server or laptop.
- The program could run on a standard dual core laptops with 8 GB of RAM on windows(win7 or win10), macOS and linux(centos or ubuntu).
- This version (V1.3.4) add support for 512bp sequence length at most
- The program is used to trim off the primer sequence of the target sequencing at both 5'(forward primer) and 3'(reverse complement primer).
- Both k-mer indexing alogrithm and dynamic programing alogrithm were performed to trim off the primer sequences.
- The performing of k-mer (seed and extend) alogrithm makes it possible to deal with thousands of amplicon primer pairs at the same time.
- Compared with other kinds of tools, this program could trim the primer sequence off directly from the fastq file, which could save you a lot of time.
- There only have 250 reads in the example fastq file, which result in a higher mismatch ratio. But in the general amplicon data, the program will has a good performance and lower mismatch ratio.
See INSTALL for complete details.
-h|--help print help infomation
-l|--keep keep the complete reads if failed to locate primer
sequence [default: discard the reads]
-t|--seqtype [required] the sequencing type [single|pair]
-a|--ampfile [required] input amplicon file [.txt]
-f|--read1 [required] read1 (forward) for fastq file [.fq|.gz]
-d|--trim1 [required] the trimed read1 of fastq file
-r|--read2 [optional] read2 (reverse) for fastq file (paired-end seqtype) [.fq|.gz]
-e|--trim2 [optional] the trimed read2 of fastq file (paired-end seqtype)
-s|--summary [optional] the trimming information of each amplicon [default: Summary.ampcount]
-q|--minqual [optional] the minimum average quality to keep after triming [20]
-k|--kmer [optional] the kmer lenght for indexing [8]
-m|--mismatch [optional] the maxmum mismatch for primer seq [3]
Print out the help infomation
Whether keep the original complete reads if failed to locate the
primer sequence [default: discard the reads]
The sequencing type of input fastq file, which could be single-end
or paired-end [single or pair]
The path to amplicon file with text format.
There is an example in the "Example" directory, which will give you a guidance
about how to specify each field of the amplicon file.
1. forwardprimer: the forward primer sequecne (5') [required]
2. reverseprimer: the reverse primer sequence (5') [required]
3. insertlength: the insert length between the primer pair [required]
4. AuxInfo: the auxiliary information that used to describe
the primer pair [optional]
eg. data_amplicon.txt
The read1 of the fastq file or gziped fastq file
eg. data_R1.fq or data_R1.fq.gz
The trimmed fastq file of read1
eg. trim_R1.fq or trim.R1.fq
The read2 of the fastq file or gziped fastq file (paired-end seqtype)
eg. data_R2.fq or data_R2.fq.gz
The trimmed fastq file of read2 (paired-end seqtype)
eg. trim_R2.fq or trim.R2.fq
Record the read number of each amplicon [default: Summary.ampcount]
The minimum average quality to keep after triming. The program will automatically
detect the quality coding(Phrd+33 or Phrd+64) [default: 20]
The kmer length for primer indexing, a larger kmer will perform an accurate locating
to the primer sequence, which also means a lower posibility to find the primer
sequence. [8 is recommended]
the maxmum mismatch allowed in the primer matching [ mismatch <= 3 is recommended]
One amplicon
forward primer(22bp) reverse primer(20bp)
| | | |
ampstart insertstart insertend ampend
(100) (122) (380) (401)
- The amplicon size is 300bp (401-100+1) in this example
- forward primer: 22bp (5'->3': AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
- reverse primer: 20bp (5'->3': BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB)
- InsertLength: insertend - insertstart + 1 (380-122+1)
- AuxInfo: the amplicon name or something else
The sequence of both forward and reverse primers should be in the direction of 5' to 3'
The insert length is no necessary to be very accurate, it is only used to determine the two conditions of primer trimming, however, we suggest that users calculate the insert length according to the position given by the primer-design tools:
The program will generate 3 files for paired-end:
- trim.R1.fq
- trim.R2.fq
- Summary.ampcount
or 2 files for single-end:
- trim.R1.fq
- Summary.ampcount
- trim.R1.fq and trim.R2.fq are the fastq files after primer trimmed!
- The field of "AmpCount" in the Summary.ampcount file indicate the reads belong to the amplicon.
Please cite the following article if you find the pTrimmer is useful to you:
- Zhang, X., Shao, Y., Tian, J. et al. pTrimmer: An efficient tool to trim primers of multiplex deep sequencing data. BMC Bioinformatics 20, 236 (2019).