
List of Consultants/Companies that provide bioinformatic solutions / services

Awesome Bioinformatics Consultants

Unordered, lightly curated list of bioinformatics consultants/companies inspired by the original (?) Sean Davis single cell resource

The goal is to provide a list of people/companies to hire if you need a bioinformatics task accomplished.

Similar efforts


Pull requests welcome!

If you are making a PR, I think it would be useful if you could provide some keywords (#hashtag-like) to briefly (no more than 3?) explain your focus.

Some examples I just made up:

- #infrastructure
- #pipeline
- #bioinformatics
- #techdev
- #assaydev
- #cloudcomputing
- #genomics
- #proteomics
- #analysis
- #shiny

The Table

Company Key People Blurb Keywords
Fulcrum Genomics Nils Homer, Tim Fennell We provide specialized bioinformatic services to advance your technology and the understanding of human disease.
Kevin Blighe Kevin Blighe Computer scientist who transitioned early into biological sciences. 8 years experience in translational research in private, public, and clinical settings (~11, including PhD).
Genevia Technologies Jane Pulman geneviatechnologies.com
BioTeam Chris Dagdigian BioTeam is a high-performance consulting practice. We are dedicated to delivering objective, technology agnostic solutions to life science researchers #HPC
Diamond Age Data Science Eleanor Howe Diamond Age Data Science partners with fast-moving biotech and pharmaceutical companies to drive innovation through bioinformatics.
DNAnexus dnanexus.com
Qiagen Partnering with QIAGEN Digital Insights Discovery Bioinformatics Services is a reliable and convenient way to extend your in-house resources with expertise and perfectly tailored bioinformatics services that ensure high-quality results.
Omiqa We combine a broad library of curated pipelines, customized solutions and deep knowledge of biology and biochemistry to help our clients gain the most out of their DNA- or RNA-seq datasets.