
Tests for internship @ Aporeto Inc.

Internship Summer 2016

Tests for internship @ Aporeto Inc.

Aporeto Internship Quiz

Problem1: Bash Shell Script sample:

Implement a script which has the following usage format:

./bash_example [--help|-h]
./bash_example --create-file=<filename> [--no-prompt] [--verbose]

This script should create a file with the name provided in the args with . This file should contain all 50 states with one state per line. This should be done in following scenarios:

  • File does not exist or --no-prompt option is used
  • In case the file exists, this script should prompt the user:
  “File exists. Overwrite (y/n) ?
The script should process user input and either overwrite file or not.
If the user input is not valid, i.e. neither ‘y’ nor ’n’, the script should just prompt the user again with the same prompt until a valid input is provided.

If the --verbose option is set, the following messages should be printed in appropriate portions of code.


File removed File created File already exists

**Return Codes:**
 * In case of bad command line args, the help showing usage should be printed and returned with error (non zero code).
 * In all successful case return code should be 0

### Problem2: Python/Go sample:

Implement the following as described below in either go or python:

uniquify [--help|-h]
uniquify --file=<filename> --output=<output-filename> [—verbose]

This script/program should input a file with the name provided in the args called . This input file can contain millions of lines with duplicates.

The script/program should output a file with name provided in the args called with all duplicate lines removed.

A line is delimited by \n or \r or both

Problem3: Go sample:

You will need to implement a program in go as described below:

gosample [-help|-h]
gosample -urls=<comma-seperated-one-or-more-urls>

This binary should be able to read multiple urls and generate a word (a word only contains letters A-Za-z0-9) frequency table. Output can be stored in files with names url1.txt, url2.txt … in the following format:

  url: <url>
    word1: count
    word2: count


See samples/problem3/url1.txt

[Extra Credit]

Handle URLs in parallel and demonstrate reduced time to process all URLs. Note: You only need to implement serial or parallel but not both.

Submitting your responses for the tests

We will accept submissions as a github repo. For this, you would need the following:

Have an account on github.com Have a repository called aporeto which is public Have directories called


Use README.md files in this directory to provide insights into your thought process if any.

Here are things you would like to pay attention to:

  • Code samples should be written not just for functionality but also readability
  • Pay attention to the algorithms implemented and the order (Big-O notation) that your implementation provides. These are not just functionality and readability but also performance.
  • Test your code for all required scenarios.

Compiling/Dependency resolution

go code

  • We will be running "go get ./..." and "go build"

python code

  • We will be using python 2.7. If you want me to install specific dependencies, please provide a shell script called download.sh and requirements file called requirements.txt in the following format

pip install -r requirements.txt