
I am currently learning C# .NET Core 7 with MS SQL and Azure
from this Udemy Course

Section 02: C# Crash Course - Basics

Here I go over variables, data structures, operators, conditionals, loops, methods, and scope.

Section 03: C# Crash Course - Intermediate

Here I go over intermediate theory and connect to a SQL database in Azure Data Studios. I start by creating a database schema in Azure Data Studios (Section03 - DotNetCourseDatabase.sql).

I make a Microsoft SQL database connection to write to the database and run queries using two different methods:

  1. The Dapper Method
  2. The Microsoft Framework Entity Method

I also write SQL code to a text file (.txt).

I then deal with JSON files (.json) using two different methods to serialize & deserialize:

  1. Newtonsofts Json.NET Method
  2. Microsoft's System.Text.Json Method

I also deal with JSON files (.json) written in snakecase naming convention with two different methods:

  1. Mapper Method
  2. Tapping into JSON Property Attribute Method

Windows Powershell Terminal Package Install Requirements:

  1. dotnet add package Dapper
  2. dotnet add package microsoft.data.sqlclient
  3. dotnet add package microsoft.entityframeworkcore
  4. dotnet add package microsoft.entityframeworkcore.sqlserver
  5. dotnet add package microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
  6. dotnet add package microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json
  7. dotnet restore
  8. dotnet add package Newtonsoft.Json
  9. dotnet add package Automapper

Section 05: TSQL

I ran a mock Microsoft Transact-SQL (TSQL) database design schema in Azure Data Studio.

My Independent Side Projects (For C#, .NET, MS SQL, & Azure Data Studios):

Project 1 - In this project, I inject JSON data into
a MS SQL database by using the dapper mapper method.