Julia type that implements a drop-in replacement of Array with named dimensions
- 6
- 1
n[1:end] doesn't work for matrices with Symbol names
#129 opened by knuesel - 1
Getting the names along a named axis
#130 opened by njericha - 1
filter! does not work on NamedArrays
#89 opened by bkamins - 1
Deleting rows or columns in-place does not work, i.e. deleteat!, pop!, splice!
#135 opened by jlambvo - 8
TagBot trigger issue
#108 opened by JuliaTagBot - 3
NamedArrays with AbstractString names
#140 opened by orenbenkiki - 0
Transpose of NamedArray isn't.
#138 opened by orenbenkiki - 2
parent != .array
#131 opened by orenbenkiki - 1
The named argument `corrected` is not supported for statistical operations like `std` and `var`.
#136 opened by orenbenkiki - 2
- 0
names keyword argument causes an error on Julia 1.0
#127 opened by diegozea - 3
Incorrect permutedims
#117 opened by bkamins - 1
Improve show
#123 opened by bkamins - 0
broadcasting fails
#119 opened by stasti - 3
Add docstrings for setnames! etc.
#88 opened by pdeffebach - 1
Function documentation for use in REPL
#118 opened by cvigilv - 3
- 0
Indexing with a different type fails
#116 opened by tomhaber - 6
displaying the NamedArray without the summary
#113 opened by ericqu - 2
Make a patch release
#111 opened by bkamins - 4
Reading from file to NamedArray
#109 opened by Mastomaki - 2
Broadcasting fails to locate namedarray object
#103 opened by tomhaber - 1
Enamerate in 0.9.4
#104 opened by matteounimib - 0
Support filter!()
#105 opened by matteounimib - 2
NamedArray drops type when broadcasted
#110 opened by bkamins - 2
- 3
support reshape
#92 opened by schlichtanders - 2
support broadcasting
#93 opened by schlichtanders - 2
A method to print all columns
#64 opened by mwsohn - 3
- 1
Update documentation
#87 opened by davidavdav - 0
Bug in adjoint for a vector.
#97 opened by dietercastel - 0
conversion to Dict
#91 opened by scheidan - 1
Having dimensions without names
#90 opened by nalimilan - 8
- 7
- 1
Naming single dimension vector
#86 opened by toktay - 1
- 8
Slow compilation on Julia 1.3
#81 opened by Byrth - 3
- 1
Naming only some dimensions
#80 opened by jlumpe - 1
Incompatible with Julia 1.0?
#72 opened by unhandyandy - 7
#77 opened by bkamins - 13
Keeping names in *cat
#74 opened - 5
unexpected prints with dot-fusion syntax
#75 opened by jtackm - 2
- 0
- 1
Support for Julia-0.7
#65 opened - 2
Subset of NamedArray with duplicates
#63 opened by bkamins