MAGeCK2 is a new computational tool, built upon MAGeCK, for CRISPR screening analysis.
Compared with MAGeCK, MAGeCK2 highlights the following additional functionalities:
- Paired sample analysis
- Processing and analyzing screens with UMIs
- Processing and analyzing paired-guide screens
More functions to be added.
For instructions on installation, usage and running examples, see mageck2-doc.
You can run the example datasets of MAGeCK2 from GitHub mageck2-demo repository.
The older version of MAGeCK can be accessed via sourceforge or bitbucket.
Questions? Bug? Recommendations? Here are a few ways:
- Join our Google group;
- Create an issue in the github repository. Issues from demo or documentations will need to posted to mageck2-demo or mageck2-doc, respectively.
- Add paired-guide support in count command
- Add UMI support in count command
- The source code released.