- 5
Missing datasets?
#23 opened by chrisspen - 1
I cannot access the dataset website
#30 opened by zhang12300 - 4
create a bag file from gazebo simulation
#16 opened by BurgyWu - 1
Save the map for reuse?
#28 opened by xlong0513 - 9
- 0
I noticed the code "void VisualOdometry::convert_view_to_view_template" in visual_odometry.cpp . Is there a connection between RatSLAM's visual odometry and local view template? Do I need to pay attention to this when I replace the odometry?
#27 opened by sunt40 - 1
I published the odom topic using a turtlebot3's wheeled encoder, and the pose cells and experience map nodes have subscribe on this topic, but the RatSLAM system is not running, why?
#26 opened by sunt40 - 0
If I want to replace this odometry with a new visual odometry, what should I do ?
#25 opened by sunt40 - 5
- 10
ROS example not working on Melodic
#24 opened by chrisspen - 3
Pose Cell Network window dose not work
#15 opened by sunt40 - 3
SOME questions about parameters setting
#19 opened by SeaEastXu - 10
- 1
Use my dataset in the C++ version
#20 opened by Rechal0703 - 12
online mapping
#14 opened by sunt40 - 1
python version of ratslam
#17 opened by sunt40 - 1
boost not found when rosmaking
#1 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 4
creat a new bagfile
#13 opened by sunt40 - 3
SVN repo not accessible
#10 opened by siddhya - 4
How to run openratslam with usb camera
#12 opened by sunt40 - 5
catkin_make failed
#11 opened by sunt40 - 9
Linking ratslam_pc ratslam_em ~catkin_ws/devel/lib/ undefined reference to `cv::String::deallocate()'
#8 opened by PhilippeLC92 - 1
runing problem
#9 opened by Thanh-Binh - 8
easy way to run your C++ sample?
#6 opened by Thanh-Binh - 2
Datasets for testing ratSlam
#7 opened by Thanh-Binh - 3
- 0
- 0
Some minor bugs and missing files.
#3 opened by GoogleCodeExporter