
A curated list of Smart Contract Security materials and resources For Researchers

Awesome-Smart-Contract-Security awesome


Table of Contents




Security Journal list

  • IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security [web]
  • Computer & Security[web]
  • IET Information Security[web]
  • ACM Transactions on Information and System Security[web]
  • International Journal of Information Security[web]
  • Security and Communication Networks[web]
  • IEEE Security & Privacy[web]
  • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing [web]
  • Security and Communication Networks[web]
  • Computer Fraud & Security[web]




  • ethereum-graph-debugger - A graphical EVM debugger. Displays the entire program control flow graph.
  • Slither - Slither can map method visibility and modifiers, state variables that are read and written, calls, and can print the inheritance graph of a smart contract
  • Solgraph - Generates DOT graphs with function control flow of a solidity contract
  • Surya - Generates various visual outputs of function call graphs
  • sol-function-profiler - Solidity contract function profiler


  • KEVM - K Semantics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
  • Manticore - Symbolic execution tool for EVM


  • Remix - Browser-based Solidity IDE with linting features
  • SmarrtCheck - A linter for Solidity and Vyper that checks code for security issues and bad practices.
  • Solhint - Linter for both security and style-guide validations. It strictly adheres to the Solidity Style Guide.
  • Solium - Linter for both security and style-guide validations. Does not strictly adhere to the Solidity Style Guide.


  • Echidna - Fuzzer for Ethereum smart contracts. Uses property testing to generate malicious inputs that break smart contracts.
  • Manticore - Symbolic execution tool for Ethereum smart contracts that includes detectors for common security flaws
  • Mythril OSS - Open-source security analysis tool for Ethereum smart contracts built around detector modules
  • Securify - Static analysis tool from ChainSecurity
  • Slither - Static analysis framework, written in Python, with detectors for many common Solidity issues
  • Octopus - : Blockchain Smart Contracts (BTC/ETH/NEO/EOS)

Reverse Engineering

  • abi-decompiler - EVM reverse engineering helper utility
  • ethereum-dasm - EVM disassembler with static and dynamic analysis abilities, including function signature lookup
  • Ethersplay - Visual disassembler for EVM bytecode built on Binary Ninja
  • evmlab - Utilities for interacting with the Ethereum virtual machine
  • IDA-EVM - IDA plugin to view EVM instructions
  • Panoramix
  • pyevmasm - EVM assembler and disassembler with a CLI and a Python API
  • Rattle - EVM binary static analysis framework. Produces SSA representations of EVM code.


Capture the Flag and Wargames


Title Conference Year
6th Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts WTSC 2022 2022
Smart Contract Security: a Practitioners’ Perspective ICSE 2021 2021
Predicting Random Numbers in Ethereum Smart Contracts OWASP AppSec 2018
Blockchain Autopsies - Analyzing Smart Contract Deaths Blackhat USA 2018
Rattle - an EVM binary analysis framework reCON 2018
Blackhat Ethereum CanSecWest 2018
Smashing Ethereum Smart Contracts for Fun and Profit HITB Amsterdam 2018
Automatic Bug Finding for the Blockchain EkoParty 2017



Cheat Sheet


Bug Bounty & Writeup

Bug Bounty Platforms & Project