- 0
#103 opened by danispringer - 1
Stockfish 16.1
#102 opened by danispringer - 2
Stockfish Update (v16)
#99 opened by danispringer - 0
- 0
- 1
Draw Bug
#97 opened by danispringer - 3
Please advise
#96 opened by danispringer - 0
UI Jiggle bug
#98 opened by danispringer - 1
- 0
Crash (SIGSEGV) -- FEN included
#94 opened by RiyazVP - 0
Chess annotation symbols "?
#93 opened by camerondpt - 0
- 0
Crashes on Ventura
#90 opened by fraktosh - 0
Contempt settings missing
#89 opened by danispringer - 2
- 1
Annotate in Stockfish
#67 opened by nbca - 0
- 0
game corruption
#86 opened by exekutive - 0
Feature: graph
#85 opened by exekutive - 1
- 5
- 0
Valid FEN string produces invalid FEN error
#82 opened by lagomorph - 1
- 3
- 0
Feature request: Position setup
#75 opened by fmichlik - 1
App crashes at end of game if one side checkmates while engine evaluating
#74 opened by KitchenTable99 - 0
Arrows and resize window bug
#73 opened by tillchess - 0
Color (theme) customization?
#72 opened by zhiyuanzhai - 0
- 1
Problems with the 'Skill Level' parameter.
#63 opened by Dumbledaz - 1
"The document could not be opened."
#69 opened by agerson - 0
"The document could not be opened."
#70 opened by agerson - 0
- 5
Crash upon opening PGN file
#65 opened by nbca - 3
Crash upon opening PGN from FICS
#50 opened by pedestrianlove - 0
Highlight doesn't disappear when going back
#64 opened by sfsam - 3
- 0
- 1
Crashes on right-click
#60 opened by ezoerner - 2
- 0
Missing Object in Mac GUI
#59 opened by TesseractA - 4
Can't open stockfish
#58 opened by jtsdad - 0
PGN loading error should report line number
#57 opened by jplehmann - 1
Cannot import PGN file from
#55 opened by waveman777 - 2
- 12
Can't open after crash
#49 opened by sapolion - 3
PGN games with promotions are truncated
#45 opened by snicolet - 0
- 4
Crash when reverting changes
#40 opened by shreyasminocha - 2
Unable to read moves beyond pawn promotion
#41 opened by shreyasminocha