DBpedia Spotlight is a tool for automatically annotating mentions of DBpedia resources in text. Improving Efficiency and Accuracy in Multilingual Entity Extraction approach
- 4
Failed to execute goal net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:3.2.2:compile
#52 opened by Shivangini-G - 1
Website is down
#78 opened by hashpad - 0
Running the in-house server in offline mode
#77 opened by GohioAC - 1
Expired certificate
#75 opened by tanevitch - 1
Annotation fails with String index out of range: 4
#73 opened by acxcv - 6
- 2
- 4
Run DBPedia Spotlight with local Sparql-Endpoint
#39 opened by Livvi - 1
ERROR 404: Not Found.
#44 opened by lenyabloko - 0
Failed to execute goal net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:3.2.2:compile
#51 opened by shivangini-gugalia - 2
- 7
- 0
API down
#49 opened by heathersherry - 0
How to link resource to the corresponding text fragment in the original input text from json response
#48 opened by fanavarro - 1
@ Symbol
#45 opened by lawrencenull - 1
offset duplicated
#41 opened by agilll - 1
- 2
download links are broken
#33 opened by sulphide3 - 0
Inconsistency in results for German Text.
#42 opened by nawabhussain - 4
- 14
Not working in Java 9 or 10
#28 opened by jaysonfeliciano - 1
DBPedia Spotlight is not Working in Java 11
#37 opened by rovicsellado - 1
How to build new models?
#38 opened by romaindeveaud - 6
.Jar file not found
#31 opened by rodriguesfas - 0
Opensource Guide Compliance
#36 opened by sandroacoelho - 13
- 2
How to load the spotters
#17 opened by darioloetscher - 2
Bad Cases: Some short numbers can be annotated
#18 opened by ShomyLiu - 0
CPU Cores Number max=5?
#20 opened by ShomyLiu - 0
Abbreviations and some others
#21 opened by beyzayaman - 0
No such element exception
#24 opened by Nujjy - 2
Empty type in local server
#34 opened by Kivin1 - 2
support for Thai language
#27 opened by wannaphong - 7
Not work for Russian language
#29 opened by zabihimayvan - 1
Issue with the Installation
#30 opened by Gautamshahi - 1
Dutch Spotlight down
#35 opened by nicky508 - 2
Response 414 - "REQUEST URI TOO LARGE"
#32 opened by dustyny - 4
Production deployment
#15 opened by swartchris8 - 12
- 1
NIF representation for candidate links
#22 opened by beyzayaman - 4
Update current dependencies
#11 opened by Skunnyk - 1
Link in ReadMe.md leads to 404
#14 opened by AgoloKennethTan - 0
REST Interface is not filtering types
#10 opened by sandroacoelho - 7
Spotlight Performances / Possible tuning ?
#3 opened by Skunnyk - 1
Site not responding
#4 opened by cdraper-CS - 1
Fix travis config
#1 opened by sandroacoelho