- 1
Cors does not work with `accept` header set
#50 opened by GordianDziwis - 0
Render ontology documentation with pyLODE
#16 opened by GordianDziwis - 0
Use resource of ontology as backup
#1 opened by yum-yab - 5
- 2
Base Schema with fragment / hash in parsed turtle files leads to incorrect IRI resolution for some parsers
#47 opened by Lenostatos - 1
Which timezone is used in timestamps?
#46 opened by k00ni - 0
Use owl:versionInfo
#41 opened by Kibubu - 3
Allow the parsing of OBO files
#36 opened by yum-yab - 0
VOID mod query not working
#37 opened by yum-yab - 10
Add bioregistry as IRI candidate discovery source
#23 opened by JJ-Author - 1
http 500 error for an ontology if new version was fetched but could not be deployed to databus
#33 opened by JJ-Author - 3
display a dependency tree (imported ontologies)
#26 opened by JJ-Author - 3
updated snapshots
#32 opened by stap-m - 0
- 0
Use PyLODE 3.x
#17 opened by yum-yab - 0
List of unreachable and unmaintained ontologies to manually import into Archivo (forced admin inclusion)
#22 opened by JJ-Author - 0
check to include foops
#21 opened by JJ-Author - 0
- 0
Error setting the bas URI correctly
#18 opened by yum-yab - 0
enable CORS for Archivo API fetch command
#9 opened by JJ-Author - 0
Make Ontology table horizontally scrollable
#6 opened by yum-yab - 1
Use more/another reasoner for consistency checks
#15 opened by yum-yab - 1
Reasoner timeouts - reported as failures
#14 opened by pbuttigieg - 0
Handeling slash ontologies correctly
#4 opened by yum-yab - 2
#12 opened by baskaufs - 3
Why is ontology rejected?
#11 opened by pacass - 1
informative messages
#10 opened by m1ci - 2
5th Star suggestion: CORS compatibility
#8 opened by yum-yab - 3
- 0
Make Range filters for the archive
#7 opened by yum-yab - 0
LODE conformity for skos:ConceptSchemes
#5 opened by yum-yab - 0
small todos
#3 opened by kurzum