
Simple tool to capture the environment from a camera to a cubemap texture in Unity

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Skybox to Cubemap


Simple tool to capture the environment from a camera to a cubemap texture in Unity.

instructions for usage


Capturing cubemap from the scene

  1. Open your scene in Unity.
  2. Place a camera where you want the environment to be captured from
  3. Optionally create a new cubemap (you can use the included example cubemap instead) - whichever you use will be overwritten!
  4. Make sure the cubemap has Readable enabled, and configure the settings as you like
  5. Open the menu for Tools > Skybox to CubeMap
  6. Assign the camera and a cubemap to overwrite
  7. Click on Capture

Converting a cubemap to 6 textures

  1. Open the menu for Tools > Cubemap to Textures
  2. Assign the cubemap to convert
  3. Specify the path where the textures will be saved
  4. Click on Convert


  • Download the unitypackage from the Releases
  • Import the unitypackage into your Unity project