
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim Script

Dotfiles and container for ROVIO

This repo is meant to ease installation of a basic VIO module (ROVIO).

The included Dockerfile produces and image that:

  • installs ROS melodic
  • installs ROVIO
  • installs IntelRealsense2
  • sets a display environment (allows for Rviz and other displayed applications)


  • Docker
  • Tested on Ubuntu 18.04

Running via Docker

# set environment variables in .env
make build
make up-display # make up # for no display

Reconmended usages


Using bagfiles from ETH Zurich

# in one terminal instance, play a rosbag ... ie
rosbag play bags/V1_03_difficult.bag
# in a second terminal instance, launch 
roslaunch rovio rovio_node.launch


Using Intel Realsense D435i

catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING=False
source /root/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch hummingbird_bringup bringup.launch


  • source workspace on launch
  • mount container directories to host system (only mounting bags folder)
  • add support for D435i
  • simulate with FlightGoggles?
  • if many more git repos are used, use something like git subodules, wstool, or rosinstall
  • try on raspberry pi
  • instead of mounting hummingbird_bringup, copy to the container in the Dockerfile to build during docker build
  • fuse imu data (gyro has a faster max fps than the accel but it is throttled to make one imu unified datapoint)
  • calibrate camera and imu with Kalibr
  • feed raw images into into rovio with calibration instead of rectified images
  • disable IR projector on D435i
  • convert dockerfile to a multistage build

Current Progress